Axtapor - 8 Sun's Dawn, 1245 A.D.

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"I will admit, I never like it when you appear." She said with a frown as she peeled an orange, "It's never for a good reason."

"Ye have no changed." I remarked with a chuckle.

"Mmm, that's where you're wrong." She raised her left hand and wiggled her fingers with some pride.

"What fool married ye?" I teased with my arms crossed.

"The devil." She winked, "So make it quick before he gets back."

I sighed. "I need ye to find someone for me."

"How original." She remarked with a frown before popping an orange slice into her mouth, "Who?"

"A woman. A human woman." I clarified but felt hesitant to provide any further detail.

"Done. She's right here. Now pay up." She said, gesturing to herself.

"I nay be in the mood to play games with ye, Fay." I responded flatly.

"Neither am I. I'm going to need more than that, Oxlo. You know how this works. You can't be cryptic about the details." She quipped, dropping into her chair and putting her feet up on the table in front of her.

I sighed once more. After the night with her doppelganger, I couldn't get her out of my head. She was always there, like the urge to sleep or eat, and despite none being able to hear my inner thoughts, I still felt stupid to myself for being so hung up on her. There was no use in denying it because I'd made the roundabout trip here. Though, saying anything about her out loud would no doubt make things worse. What was wrong with me? She was just a woman. And she had shown no interest in me; in fact, she might even dislike me.

"She be bearin' light olive skin, sand brown hair, almond colored eyes, and a waist so slight ye could make a fist 'bout it." I finally admitted.

She nodded. "And does this lovely creature have a name? Or do you just spend all of your time ogling her?"

I frowned. "Miss Frère. Be all I know her as."

"Hmm... Well, that's not much, but I've done more with less. Anything else I should know about her? Scars or some other markings that might reveal who she is?"

"Aye, she has a wee scar just here." I gestured to the top-left of my lip.

"Where did you last see her?"

"Port St. Croix. She be with some knights."

"What Order did they belong to?"

"Nay know, but they be wearin' a three-eyed ram on their armor."

She eyed me with some look, then nodded. "Well, I'll see what I can do and send word on a raven if I discover anything."

"Aye. Thank ye." I said as I dropped a small pouch of gold on her desk as payment.

"Now go on before someone sees you. Take the long way back." She gestured with her chin to a hatch on the ground, then pocketed the gold I had given her.


Before I could move, I heard the door behind me open, and I turned to see a tall white lizard hunching his way in. The pair of smooth sloped horns upon his head, his bright red eyes, and the ruby set in his forehead helped me confirm my suspicions about who he was, though they were hardly needed. He was unmistakable. Although, I was surprised to see him here. Last I heard, things did not end well between the two of them.

"Hello." He said with some surprise in his voice.

"Ahoy." I responded with a respectful bow at the neck.

I didn't often bow, but in the presence of a war hero, it felt like the right thing to do. He studied me for a moment, then looked at Fay, clearly wanting some explanation as to why I was standing there.

She smiled at him as she chewed, then looked at me. "I give you the devil, Oxlo."

I chuckled. "Son of the Moon marryin' the most notorious smuggler in Oepus. Fay, ye be somethin' else."

"Go on. Out." She chastised with an entertained smile.

I went into the hatch without further argument and shut it behind me. As I made my way through the dark and muddy tunnel, my smile faded, and I let out a sigh. I hoped that she would not come up empty-handed.

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