Axtapor - 29 Morning Star, 1245 A.D.

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I sighed as I tossed a small ball of knotted cord into the air and caught it again. Things had been rather dull for the last few days as we'd come across no ships to pillage; they had all gone into hiding as if they had some forehand knowledge of our trajectory. At least we will make port soon to resupply and find some entertainment...

"Would ye cut 'at out?" Sussex quipped.

I tossed the ball again with a frown. "Ye nay have to sit here."

"'Verywhere else be littered an' this be the best place for a fine wind."

"Then deal with it."

I continued my game, and not more than a few minutes later, he intercepted the ball and tossed it overboard. I frowned as I swiped one of the legs of his chair with my bandaged tail, hearing him fall to the ground with a thud. He got on his feet angrily and drew his dagger, pressing it against my throat.

"Ye piece of shite—!" He roared.

"Stow that away, ye fool." I frowned at him.

"LAND HO!" Kirik called out from the crow's nest.

I shoved Sussex away, got on my feet, and prepared to disembark.

Today I would spend our time at port with Hartim and Lexlar. Or rather, I'd lost a drunken bet with them and was now forced into their company. They decided we would go out drinking and gambling and end the night with a visit to a whorehouse of their choosing. Recalling the last part of their plan savored sourly; it would be my first time being with a woman since Ophelia broke things off. I hadn't been intentionally chaste by any means, but the encounter left a sting that I wasn't so eager to assuage. Still, while I could easily meet any needs I had on my own, it was no substitute for having a warm body to share those sensations with. I grimaced as I hefted my pack on, steeling myself as I followed behind them.


It was several hours into the night when we finally wandered into a whorehouse called The Golden Kiss. According to Hartim, the women here were exquisite and catered to many different tastes. Such a thing became abundantly clear as we passed just beyond a series of rich drapes that obscured the entryway to this place. There were women of every race lining the walls, lounging on settees and carpets, and giggling placidly among piles of pillows on the ground. Gentle music floated in the air, forming a delicate harmony with the sound of running water which originated from a small manmade brook that ran through the floor. It snaked around clusters of finely dressed women, gathering them like bundles of mountain wildflowers. The atmosphere was plush and clearly designed to make the women seem even more alluring, like they might be nymphs waiting in some garden to comfort a weary traveler. It was little wonder why Hartim and Lexlar liked it here, even I was impressed. The madam noticed us immediately and approached.

"Welcome, gentlemen. Your cover charge, please."

Her voice was smooth and cool, like a piece of ice upon the back of one's neck on a sweltering day. Still, her tone did nothing to take the annoyance out of paying for setting foot in here. I eyed Hartim with a frown as I fetched the advertised twenty-five pieces from my pouch. It had been a long time since I had to pay for it, but I was sure I could get two decent screws for this amount. It would be pretty steep if I came out of here empty-handed.

"Be worth it, trust me." He reassured me as he dropped the gold into the madam's hand.

He slithered past her and plucked a lithe lizard woman from a nearby settee. She giggled and followed him along, the two disappearing behind a heavy red velvet curtain towards the back of the room. I felt Lexlar pat my back before letting out a chuckle as he, too, paid his cover charge with ease. He immediately settled into a feathery pile of pillows where two elven women nestled into him, peppering his neck and chest with kisses. I let out a sigh, it seemed they both knew what they were after tonight. I dropped the coins in her hand and looked around the room.

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