Axtapor - 21 First Seed, 1245 A.D.

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I shot up from my bed with intense panic in my stomach as I struggled to catch my breath. It was just a dream. Nothing more than a dream. Maybe that bastard was capable of beating her, but I had no way of knowing if he did, and if he had, no way of stopping him. I growled and kicked away the blankets tangled around my legs. I needed a drink. My hands shook as I retrieved a glass and a bottle of whiskey from the liquor shelf in the corner of the room. I sighed and rubbed my face with a single hand as I poured myself a glass, trying to calm down.

I had made very little progress on getting her necklace made. I originally planned to have a smith in Traveler's Ridge make it, but we wouldn't return to those shores for another month, and by then, it would be far too late. We were due to dock in Anavet in a few days so that Captain Phaxix could arrange some dealings with a local mercenaries guild, but we would only be at port for a few hours, and then we would shove off once more. When the hell would I get this thing made?

"Oxlo be ye well?" Hartim asked from the other side of the door.

"Aye, I be fine." I replied and knocked back my drink before pouring myself another.

"Aye 'en."

His rhythmic slithering could be heard as he made his way down the corridor, and I let out a sigh. I had no talent for forging things; otherwise, I would do it myself. But that still left the enchantment to take care of, and even then, I had no idea how I would return to her. I had been so cocky that day, telling her she would know when I returned, but I'd still come up with nothing. I finished my drink and walked towards my desk. My notebook was lying there, open to the page where she had drawn the necklace for herself and the stone I planned to use sitting upon it. I picked it up and turned it in the moonlight that came through my window.

Really, it wasn't a precious stone or gem of any kind; rather, it was sea glass. I had come across it on my first pillage, mistaking it for a diamond. I guarded the thing with such zeal until one day, Olpox, an older deckhand, pointed out that it was just cut to look like one and that I had likely been swindled. I was angry then, that I had spent so much time looking after something so ordinary with such ferocity. Despite my frustration with it, I couldn't bring myself to get rid of the useless thing, so I kept it. Most things had a purpose; maybe I would fool someone with it one day.

As soon as she had given me the plans for the necklace, I had the idea that I would give her something expensive and impressive, but then I remembered how honest she was. She would take the necklace because she needed it to survive, but she wouldn't be happy wearing it and might even be upset at me for making her something so extravagant. So I decided to searchthrough my things for something more suitable and when I rediscovered this little piece of glass, I decided it was perfect for the job. Certainly, she wouldn't complain about something so plain. I pocketed it along with my notebook and pipe to go above decks. Maybe an idea would hit me while I was up there in the night air as I was nowhere near calm enough to return to sleep.

Once there, I took a deep breath and let the cool sea air wash over me. It was crisp and light, and even though I wasn't wearing a shirt, it wasn't uncomfortable. I wondered if she would have thought it was cold. Human women always seemed to be cold. At least, that's what they all told me when they remarked on how warm I was. I looked around, and aside from the handful of men part of the night crew, spotted Xaxxix sitting near the bow of the ship smoking. I decided to join him. Maybe he couldn't sleep, either.

"Evenin'." I said as I pulled up a chair to sit beside him.

"Ye be a sore sight at these hours." He remarked as he puffed a cloud of smoke.

"Aye, could no sleep."

He reached into a pouch at his waist, kissed his fist, and tossed a coin overboard. "Kava provide. Be ill tidin's if a Dreamer canno find sleep."

"Aye..." I sighed as I lit my pipe, "And what brin's ye here?"

"Qantar be havin' a wank, and I nay wanted ta 'ear it." He said casually.

I scoffed and leaned back in my chair, crossing my arms. We sat in the quiet a while longer until he readjusted his position, and the jingling of his bracelets caught my attention. I glanced over at them and frowned slightly. He wasn't one to wear jewelry since he usually spent most of his time at a forge.

"Where did ye get those?"

"These? Made 'em. Had scrap metal left 'fter 'parin' Oleander's shivs. 'At man nay 'spects a fine blade..." He grumbled.

"How long did they take ye to make?"

"'Our 'haps less. Why?" He asked with a strange expression as he pulled his pipe from his lips, emitting another billow of smoke.

"Could ye craft somethin' from a sketch?" I asked, leaning forward now.

"If'n it be simple, aye. Nay be a jeweler." He frowned.

I pulled my notebook out and flipped to the page to show him Miss Frère's illustration. He took it and studied it for a moment.

"Did ye come up wi' this?"


"Huh. Yer 'and 'as improved. Usually, be shite." He mused.

I frowned. "Can ye do it or no?"

"Aye. Will cost ye, though. Do ye 'ave the stone?"

I waved him away and pulled the sea glass from my pocket, demonstrating it to him.

He chuckled upon seeing it. "Ye still 'ave 'at old thin'? Who be ye tryin' ta fool?"

"Nay be foolin' anyone. Found a lass who has a likin' for simple thin's. That be all."

"Oh, a lass ey? Reckon 'at visit ta the whorehouse got yer second 'eads unclogged 'fter bein' so hung up on that bitch elf." He teased as he gave me a backhanded slap near my crotch.

I growled and swatted at him. He laughed and bit down on his pipe before tearing the page out of my notebook, then opened his hand, gesturing at me to give him the sea glass. I handed it off and took my notebook back from him. "Make it when we next be at port. Need it right quick."

"I only 'ave silver on 'and if ye want it quick 'less ye 'ave gold lyin' 'bout ye want me ta use."

"I will give ye gold. Nay fret."

He nodded and put the items away, then continued to smoke. I leaned back and sighed quietly, trying to hide the smile on my lips. I looked up and then closed my eyes. I'm coming. Just wait for me.

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