Axtapor - 9 Second Seed, 1245 A.D.

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I watched from the harbor as the ship I loaded her onto pulled away. For the first time in my life, I felt empty. Our goodbye was hardly the heartfelt one it should have been, but I supposed that mattered little now. She said it herself, she could never love someone like me. Any chance of something between us had gone up in smoke, and I lost the will to make it any different. If she could find no love in her heart for me after everything that happened, then she never would.

She didn't know, but the blast that ripped open the palace that night nearly killed me. A piece of shrapnel struck just inches from my head because I'd been a little too slow in ducking for cover after tossing that homemade bomb through one of the windows. Back then, I thought Lady Luck was on my side, guiding me to my woman of destiny. But now I wished that it had killed me. It was stupid to give meaning to something like that. Stupid to hope... I boarded the ship bound for Port St. Croix. Staring at the horizon wouldn't bring her back or patch the hole in my heart.

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