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Hi, its been while since I've updated this book.

I'm still grateful and surprised for all the attention this book has received over the years. Being a 12 year old obsessed with Supernatural, Twilight and the 'lowercase' aesthetic, i was sure this would be a flop.

With that being said, Starting February 20th, i will be rewriting this book entirely. I'm unsure if i should make a completely new copy, and leave this one up for those who enjoy the old writing, or replace the chapters here, so I would graciously love some input. 

That being said, I never really understood what I was going for in this book, but the 'innocent angel who saves the day' seems way to cliché now.

so here are some questions to you, my dear readers,

1- How would you feel about a new background, and style change for our main Character, as well as a slight name change?

2- Should I introduce the idea of a poly relationship between Bella, Edward and Jay like the second book had originally been made to be, or scrap that idea in favor of leaving Jay single?

3- Since the end leaves you on a cliff hanger, should I rewrite it with a better, different one?

and lastly,

4- How would people feel if the content was a bit more, mature? (This question heavily relies on question 2)

Im excited to be reworking my childhood mistake soon! 

-Jae Chi

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