❅ epilogue ❅

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staring down at the file, she went over every single word once again, just like she has been doing for the last 6 hours.

the coffee shop was loud, full of people chatting, some were on their phones, then there's the few who are keeping to themselves, reading a book or flipping through the newspaper.

she's been at the coffee shop since it opened at 7am.

"here again?" looking up, her crystal blue eyes caught the chocolate brown eyes a familiar face.

"your guys got some good coffee." she shrugged, sipping her cup of coffee to emphasise her statement. the tall man laughed, shaking his head, before placing down the plate, a piece of cake sitting on it.

"well, since my shift started, i haven't seen you eat so here's a piece of cake, on the house." he smiled, getting one back.

"so, is today the day?" he continued on, getting a raised eyebrow.

"and what are you talking about matt?" matt, the poor man, sighed, taking a seat across from the woman.

"what's in the folder sherlock?" he asked, just lien he has been doing for the past three months. her smile grew bigger and she laughed, closing the vanilla folder and placing it on the table, out of his reach.

"as i say every time matthew, when the day comes to where this is as important as a cup of coffee, i will tell you." the man whines, gaining an amused snort from the muster woman.

"but we both know it's important, more than a simple cup of coffee, jay!" he exclaimed. jay smirked, shaking her head.

"fine," she started, getting him to sit up straight and stare her down," someone in my family has decided to go off the rails. it's my job, to put them back in their place." jay whisper, looking matthew straight in the eyes. matthew paused.

"are you like a fucking spy of some shit?"

"language dearest matthew."

"jay!" looking up, jay smiled at the incoming man. matthew waved at the taller male before standing up, letting the man sit down.

"well, your besties here jay, i'll see you tomorrow." matthew laughed, shaking his head before going back to work. jay shook her head, before looking at the man across from her.

"i've got some more information. and your not going to line this." grabbing the new folder from him, she quickly skimmed through.

"call the cullens." jay demanded, watching as the man nodded, pulling his phone out.

"oh and luci?" his red eyes snapped up to her blue orbs. "yes jay?"

"tell them, glendale will fall soon."

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