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she glared up at the smirking man. she would not give this man the satisfaction of hearing her scream.

not ever.

she watched as he set the glowing blue blade down on his little trolly. the blade covered in her golden blood. she glanced down at the new gashes. they would bleed until they could heal.

it would take weeks, months even.

glendale was slowly killing her, and he was enjoying it.

"you're a sick, sick man." she growled. glendale looked up from wiping he hands, his smirk firmly planted in his face.

"a man, is a being of imperfection. i am perfect. so, i'm just sick." she growled at him again.

"i will get out of here, and when i do, with my proof, my word, i will tear you down." jay choked out, her throat hoarse from the lack of water. glendale's eyes seemed to darken as he tilted his head. his lips slowly press down into a tight thin line.

"and how will you get out?" jay smiled tauntingly.

"just wait and see." glendale glared with anger, smacking her face before storming out.

the exact reaction she had begged to happen.

looking down at the trolly, the set of keys dangling from its hook glare up at her. he used them to taunt her, waving them around as he cut her white skin.

a sign to say 'you'll never get out of here.'

she was lucky to have known him her whole life, and was able to pick up on simple and easily manipulated traits of his.

weakly pushing her shackled legs forward. she pushed the trolly closer, sighing in satisfaction as it came towards her, she moved her feet to grasp the keys, finding it easy as she quickly undid her shackles on her ankles and moving her weak legs up to her mouth, to grasp the key and undo the chains on her wrist. she whimpered at the feeling of her arms slowly gaining feeling once again before softly and quietly falling to the floor. she grabbed the angel blade.

she knew better then to exert her powers to bring her sword forth. it was the only sword in existence that could completely kill any being, but to bring it up now, would be her suicide. she gripped the blade. tighter and crawled towards the door.

he would notice his mistake soon, and come running back to grab his trolly. she had the perfect window to get out.

and it went to plan, surprisingly. the god may have created most of earths beings, but he was still just a man in her eyes.

a greedy, power hungry man.

she was able to stab him through the chest, a critical area, before grabbing the keys on his belt and rushing away as fast as her extremely injured and tired body could go.

she soon figured out it was her realm, and had to leave as soon as possible.

if that man could manipulate her death and her realm, he could find her, and easily kill her before his truth was set free.

so she went to the only place she knew was safe from any 'holy' being.

"surprise brother."

❅ a cold angel ❅ twilightWhere stories live. Discover now