Chapter 5

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Intj was not qualified to handle any sort of lifeless body. Let alone the lifeless body of his roommate. His mind starting panicking. How could this happen?

Isfj was still just staring in shock. She couldn't believe this was happening, she- she didn't even know what she should be doing right now.

Isfj: "Wha- what should we do?"

Intj: "I - uhh-" He was speechless. He hated this feeling. This feeling of helplessness, of knowing that you needed to do something but being so overwhelmed he couldn't think logically. He just stood there, frozen, while his friend lay unconscious on the floor.

Isfj started spreading out the large tablecloth onto the floor. Clearing away the broken device and storing it in a bag.

Intj: "What are you doing?"

Isfj: "Well we have to do something! We can't just leave her here!"

Intj: "What if she gets hurt?" Intj would never admit this out loud, but he deeply cared about Enfp. Because although she was extremely annoying and childish at times, she was also a bright light of optimism and joy. He didn't know what he would do without her.

Isfj struggled to lift Enfp on the tablecloth. She didn't really know what she was trying to do, except that she couldn't do nothing.

Intj: "That's not going to work." He sighed. "We need to attach poles of some sort to the edges so she doesn't fall off."

Isfj looked at him with hope and trust. It reminded him of Enfp's usually enthusiasm, and how much he missed it.

They took off the legs of the table Enfp had fallen onto and attached them to the side of the tablecloth and carefully lifted Enfp onto the makeshift stretcher.

Isfj went to talk to the staff to see if they could take Enfp into the back, just for a bit until she regained consciousness.

Isfj: "Um, hello, excuse me? My friend here is hurt, and I was just wondering if there was somewhere we could take her just to rest for a little bit until she can go home, please?"

Staff: "uhhhhhh, yeeaaahh, um, I guess you can take her into the employee lounge if you want." He looked almost as confused as Intj. Poor Intj, he didn't seem to know how to talk to people, and when he did it was this weird formal tone as if he was working on an important project or something. Isfj kinda felt bad for him, something must have happened to make him this way. Make him so cold towards any sort of emotion be it good or bad.

Intj had an odd expression on his face. It was as if he was trying to remain calm but was too panicked and worried to maintain the façade.

They picked up the makeshift stretcher and took Enfp to the back where the employee lounge was. They carefully set her down on the small couch, and waited.

Intj's mind was still rolling with questions, but it was now filled with a sense of panic. Which was weird because there was nothing to worry about. Enfp was fine, there was no information to suggest she wasn't going to be totally fine when she woke up. But he couldn't shake this feeling of what if. What if all of his senses were wrong and they was something vitally wrong with her? What if she never woke up? What if she hated him? Ok, that was completely illogical, first of all she had no reason to, and even if she did, what did he care? He didn't know why or how but he definitely did care.

It was unnerving to see her this still, he didn't think she had ever sat still in her life. She was constantly bouncing of the walls, both literally and figuratively. But, here she was, not moving not talking, just the subtle up and down of her chest as she breathed.

Isfj: "All you alright? You look scared."

Intj sighed. "I- I'm not scared. There's no reason to be scared, at all." He tried to tell himself that, that everything was fine, and there was no reason at all to be scared or worried or anxious, about any of this!

Isfj: "It's okay to be scared you know."

Intj: "Not when it's irrational, not when it doesn't make sense, when there's no rhyme or reason, or facts to back anything up. It's wrong. This is wrong." He gestured towards Enfp's unmoving body."

Isfj: "It's okay to not be perfectly logical all the time, sometimes you just have to let yourself feel things even if it doesn't make sense."

Intj: "But when you're not logical, you make crazy stupid decisions that affect you, and everyone around you."

Isfj: "Not necessarily, but when you're TOO logical you lose touch with your emotions and then they come out in unpredictable ways that DO hurt the people around you." It was kind of his fault she thought, I told him to stop, but did he listen? No. He just kept on trying to solve the situation like it was a math problem!

Isfj: "You can't solve everything pragmatically, somethings require a delicate balance of reason and feeling, you need to understand where the other person is coming from and approach them with a welcoming spirit."

Intj: "I hate feeling this way. This, this helplessness, no being able to do anything, just, waiting for something to happen, waiting for confirmation, wondering if you've made a huge mistake."

Isfj: "It's okay, nothing terrible has gone wr-

Intj: "I'm going to get a warm towel." He couldn't handle this. He needed to do something. He didn't know what, but he needed to help in some way.

Isfj sighed. "He'll come around." She took one last look at Enfp's still body and went to go help Intj.

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