Chapter 11

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Estj: "Okay I think I'm ready t- WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Infj was now fighting Estp for the pot, and Estp was gladly playing keep away, unlike Infj who looked just about ready to explode. Somehow Estp managed to not completely ruin his lunch in the process.

Infj reluctantly turned towards Estj.

Infj: "He's going to spill ramen all over the floor!"

Estp: "If you stopped fighting me it would be a lot easier to keep it steady!"

Infj: "Just put it down already!"

Estj: "I leave for 20 minutes, and you're already at each other's throats again?!"

She tried to get in between them to break up the fighting, like she always had to do, but it just ended up with her getting soaked in broth as the pan flung out Estp's hands.

A couple minutes before, Infp remembered that she had yet to start her homework, and her backpack was in the living room. This ought to be fun.

As she walked down the hall she could here Estj's voice, and she did not sound happy, she really wanted to just go back to her room and continue drawing her tranquil seal. But a lot of her homework was due today, and she had done little to nothing to complete it.

Then she heard an ear piecing scream followed by a large CLANG. The sudden loud noise made her want to turn around and head back to the safety of her own room more than anything. She didn't want to fail math though, so very slowly she took a couple steps just outside of the living area to see what had happened. She was extremely surprised with what appeared to be Estj covered in... soup? Ramen? Mysterious liquid? Whatever it was, she wasn't sure if she should laugh, or run for the hills.

Estj was livid. First Estp makes a mess in the entrance, then he goes through her personal documents, THEN he hurls pasta, or whatever it was, EVERYWHERE including all over her, her clothes, and her hair. If he didn't die from some stupid, crazy action, he was going to, via her SHEER WRATH.


Estp: "Trying to make some lunch."


Infj: "Let's just calm down a little bit, you know maybe we can talk this through."


It was a rare occurrence that Estp got intimidated, but this was one of those times, he was genuinely scared because although Estj had gotten mad before, never like this. This wasn't, I'm mad because who put the cups away wrong, this was, I'm mad because you are a terrible human being and I hate you. He tried to slink away but was immediate caught by the collar. He was in hot water now.

Infp was just frozen with fear, every bone in her body wanted to get as far away as possible ASAP. But she just stood there paralyzed.

Estp: "Y-you know what? I-I think I'm j-just gonna leave for.. for a second." He burst through the door hoping she didn't grab him again and drag him down to a dungeon or something.

Infj: "Wait!" She ran after him in hopes of defusing the situation somehow. Plus she did not want to stick around to witness the rest of Estj's outburst.

Estj: "AND STAY OUT!" She slammed the door closed behind the two of them and leaned on it to catch her breath.

Infp was still absolutely terrified, but there was a shift in the room, it was like a wave washing over her. But it didn't feel very good, it felt, sad. She was immediately filled with empathy, and felt like she should say something.

Just then Estj noticed Infp standing in the hall, and her face was a mix of surprise, embarrassment, and anger.

Estj: "What are you looking at?!"

Infp: "um um um uhhh uhhhhhh." System malfunction. Speech down.

After a couple seconds of VERY awkward silence, Estj just sighed walked over to the sink to brush off some of the noodles that were still in her hair. Infp noticed Estj had a very solemn look on her face, not serious like she was concentrated on something or doing something else, like, she was concerned and didn't know what to do, like she had sort of given up. It was deeply upsetting and Infp felt like she had to do something.

Infp: "Ar- Are you okay?"

Estj: "I'M FINE." She was now leaning on the kitchen island, looking like she had exhausted all of her energy and couldn't go on.

Infp already knew she was most definitely 100% not fine whatsoever. It was literally in the air, written all over face, and just really obvious.

Infp: "Well, I'm here for you if you need anything." Please don't hurt me.

Estj: "I don't need your help. I'm fine."

Infp: "I'm really sorry for you, I- I hope things get better." For your sake and for mine.

This both infuriated Estj and weirdly made her feel better. She felt consumed in a static state of things she didn't know how to deal with, but Infp's statement seemed to calm it down a little.

Infp started walking towards Estj hoping she wouldn't notice.

Infp: "You know, it's okay to be frustrated, a lot has happened, and it can be hard to process it..." She continued slowly walking towards Estj to try and comfort her.

Infp: "It's not your fault if you feel like you can't handle it all, you need to learn when to give yourself a break and take things slower." She put her hand Estj's shoulder hoping she didn't die if she suddenly lashed out again.

Estj immediately felt a wave of relief, and she couldn't explain why. It was frustrating, but she realized maybe Infp was right.

Estj then remembered she was still covered in broth, and also really wanted to get away from here as things were getting way to quiet.

Estj: "I need to go."

Infp: "Okay, but just real quick."

Estj: "What?"

Infp: "Don't beat yourself up. It's going to be fine."

Estj wouldn't admit it, but that actually meant a lot to her, and she tried to take Infp's advice.

After Estj left, Estp and Infj appeared to have returned from their little stroll. It looked like Infj had succeeded in calming down Estp, which was pretty impressive honestly. He even looked a little somber, guilty maybe.

Estp: "Where's Estj?"

Infp: "Oh she's down the hall in the bathroom cleaning up."

Estp: "Oh um well, could you maybe, tell her I'm sorry? I kinda feel bad about, you know, about everything."

Infp: "Why don't you tell her?"

Estp: "I dunno, I wouldn't know what to say. I think I'd mess it up."

Infp: "Well, I can, but I think it would mean more coming from you, you know?"

Estp: "haha, I'm not so sure about that."

Infj: "Oh, come on, you can do it! But in the meantime you should get some food, it's getting late." Preferably something that didn't involve the stove.

Estp: "Fine." He got out some peanut butter and a loaf of bread to made himself a sandwich.

As he sat down to finally eat some food he noticed Infp's backpack lying on the couch.

Estp: "Hey don't you have homework to do?"

Infp: "GAHH! I forgot about that! Thanks." She grabbed her bag that was still lying on the couch and dragged it back to her room, where she could, hopefully, get all of her work done before midnight tonight.


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