Bonus! Inside an ENFPs head

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Ne is scourging through papers and folders.

Si: What are you doing?

Ne: I'm looking for where I put the phone, I set it down somewhere and now I can't find it!

Si: Really? You lost it? Again?!

Ne: Yeah yeah I know. Can you help me please? 🥺

Si sighed, :fine. But only if you agree to adhere to the schedule we made the other day.

Ne: ...

Si: Really?

Ne turns back towards the papers and starts looking through them again.

Si: Is there a problem with it? Does it not do the things it needs to?

Ne: Well... No, but...

Si: But what?

Ne: It just seems so unnecessary to impose a kind of rigid system when we get things done just fine!

Si: You forgot about finals week until the day of and didn't have a clue what was on the test.

Ne: And we passed!

Si: Yes, and it still baffles me.

Ne: Sorry, what was your point again?

Si: My point is that things would be a lot less stressful around if we could have at least some semblance of structure around here.

Ne: uggghhhhhh fine. We can try the schedule thing or whatever. Just tell me where the phone is, I need to look something up.

Si: Fine. It's on the armchair of the couch in the living room.

Ne: Really?!? It was right there the whole time?!? I swear I looked over there!!

Author's note: Tell me if you like these "Functions interacting" or if you just want to see more of the main story. Thanks!

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