Chapter 9

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Infp had just been minding her own business drawing a very happy seal, when Infj scared the life out her by... knocking. She let out a terrified shriek which in turn scared Infj, who then decided to just come in anyway.

Infj: "Ar- are you okay?"

Infp: "Y-yeah" She took a few deep breaths to calm her heartrate. "You just scared me."

Infj: "Oh ok, well, do you have a minute?"

Infp looked at her sketch then back at Infj. We will be together again soon enough.

Infp: "Yeah, sure, what's on your mind?"

Infj: "Estp, he's driving me insane! One minute he's lounging around the house not doing ANYTHING. And the next minute he's jumping in a lake!'

Infp: "What?"

Infj: "Yeah! That's what I thought! It's just all so confusing. I don't know whether to let him learn things the hard way, or if I should keep trying to keep the damage to a minimum."

Infp: "So, what exactly happened?"

Infj: "He's being incredibly reckless and irresponsible. I just don't know how to help him."

Infp: "Oh, I'm sorry. What did he do?"

Infj: "If he keeps doing this people are going to get hurt. I can't believe he would do such things."

At this point Infp just resolved to listen.

Infj: "Do you have any idea what he did?"

Or not I guess.

Infp: That's what I've been trying to figure out.  "Um, no?"

Infj: "Get this. He went down the ramp at the skatepark, which I've already told him is way too dangerous, and then instead of turning around back into the park, he decides that it's a GREAT idea to just keep going 15 FEET IN THE AIR, and as a result he crashed into the lake! Then Esfj and I had to drag him out because he can't think ahead to save his life!"

Infp: "What?! Why would he do that?"

Infj: "That's what I'VE been trying to figure out!"

Infp: "I mean I know he's not always the smartest tool in the shed, but that just seems to go against common sense."

Infj: "I don't know what is wrong with him, but he seems to disregard safety like it's a joke." Her voice started to shake. "I'm just terrified of what he might do, if he doesn't learn soon."

Infj started to lean into Infp, but Infp was almost too absorbed to even notice. What WAS his problem? She usually just chilled out in her room, but this seemed important to Infj, so she decided to just try to calm her down.

Infp: "Yeah, I think I understand now. I'm sorry that happened to you." Infj was now fully in her lap and as she ran her fingers through Infj's hair (something she found incredibly comforting when she was sad) she started to wonder why Estp did the things he did. And how he was so nonchalant about it afterwards like nothing had happened.

Just then, seemingly to prove Infj right, Estp walked straight into her room, didn't even knock.

Estp: "Hey Infp do yo-" He stopped dead in his tracks as Infp tried to signal to him that this was DEFINITELY not the time. 

Estp: "You know what? I'll come back later." He walked slowly out of the doorway.

Not soon after Infj pulled herself off Infp's lap and wiped her tears.

Infj: "Well, I think I'd better go."

Infp: "Are you sure? You can stay if you want."

Infj: "No, no I think I should go do something, I shouldn't be encroaching on your personal space like this."

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