Chapter 14

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After the nice breakfast– or was it just lunch at this point? Infj let Infp go back to her room as she had previously insisted on the matter. She wished Infp the best of luck and watched as she sauntered back to her little cave.

Estj had left earlier that morning saying that she had to run some errands. Infj found it a little suspicious seeing as she had told Estj in advance that she was going to the store today, and couldn't think of any other chores that needed to be completed.

As she was contemplating, Estj came down the hall, seemingly out of nowhere. It only freaked her out a little bit...

Infj: "Oh, Estj, I uh, didn't see you come in the front door." I didn't even know we had a back door.

She started to put away empty bags from the store she had gone too, they didn't look like grocery bags, they looked like they were from some sort of retail.

Estj: "Yes, well it was... not convenient for me at the time." She seemed... off. Like there was something going on that Infj couldn't see, and Estj had no idea how to handle it.

Infj: "Are you okay?"

Estj: "Yes. Why do you ask?" Her answer was... oversimplified, to say the least. Okay with how the day had been going? As much as any other day. Okay with the seeming incompetence of others? Certainly not. Okay with what she had just done? Only time would tell.

Infj: "Oh, no reason."

When Infp had returned to her room, she found a peculiar object lying on her desk. She picked it up and found it to be a cute little paper organizer, on its plasticky design it featured all sorts of adorable little creatures, including the cutest lil' kitties she'd ever seen under a swath of beautiful calming sorts of colors. Next to it sat a little note that said: Noticed your desk was a little cluttered. Hope this helps. No name, no closing remarks, just two little sentences on a small note card.

She decided she probably needed to finish her project as it was probably due in a couple hours, and it was far from perfect. But she made a mental note in her head to sus out the situation later.

Later in the evening she after she had procured something she was actually a little proud of, she tried to muster up the courage to go and ask who had left her this beautiful gift so she could thank them. As she got up from her chair and picked up the cute little organizer, she also grabbed her newly finished art project because... well she didn't really know why but, she kind of wanted to show someone and, maybe share in this feeling of accomplishment.

She found Infj and Estp in the kitchen debating about something or other, and inquired about the mysterious present.

Infj: "Of course that wouldn't work! Wh- why would you think that would work?"

Estp: "All I'm saying is..." He looked over his shoulder at a seemingly startled Infp. "Oh, hey Infp, what's up?" She was holding a weird plastic thing, he couldn't tell what it was, but she seemed to be fond it.

Infp: "Do you guys know anything about this?" She held up the organizer.

Estp: "Can't say that I do. Looks interesting though."

Infj: "hmm, that would explain some things..." It didn't seem likely, but what else could've been in that bag? What reason did Estj have to gift that cute little thing to Infp? Unless..

Infp: "Wait, what? Explain what?"

Infj: "Well, Estj went to the store earlier today even though I had said I was already going to the store that day. Then a bit later she came with some plastic bags, but they were empty. Maybe..."

Infp: "What? What reason would she have do this?" This assumption seemed a little far fetched, even for her. She didn't even know her that well, and what she did know she was quite scared of. Well, accept for that one time a few days ago when she was seemed... particularly vulnerable. It was like something that had been caged up for a while was being let out, and sent to explore the world. Accept instead of coming out cautious and curious, it came out with the fury of a thousand suns, yet the energy of a tiny mouse. Tired and frustrated, having exhausted most it's energy trying to destroy the cage.

Infj: "I mean, me and Estp were talking to her about... her plus one, for the wedding-"

Infp: "Oh were you now?" Salt activated. High levels of regretability present.

Infj: "Well, yeah, maybe something we said actually got through to her." She thought, hopefully.

Infp: "I guess, I'll try to catch her later then." She didn't like the idea of purposely putting herself in front of Estj and questioning her. But, she didn't really have anything else better to do, so, she might as well try.

Infp: "In the meantime I guess I'll head back to my room-"

Infj: "Wait! Before you go, I got something at the store I thought we could all try." She pulled out a weird looking box with big bold letters on it and a bunch of food designs.

Infj: "I thought since cooking in the kitchen never seems to go well, we might have more luck with it, in game form!" She showed off the front of the board game with a proud look on her face.

Estp: "Really?" 

Infp: "Awww I think it's cute." The little food characters were adorable! And they may or may not have already snuck their way into her heart.

Estp sighed knowing there was no escape, and there was no use fighting it.

Estp: "Fine, let's get this over with."

Infj and Infp both squealed in delight.

Estp: "I'm never gonna understand you guys."

Infj: "ok ok, so this is how you play" Infj started setting up the board and all the little pieces. "You each have a little food character that starts at the Baking Station, and you roll these dice to see how many tiles you move forward." She held up some dice that looked like cheese and rolled them onto the board. You travel around the board going through the different zones like the Pudding Pond, and Spice Valley, and you collect ingredients from all the different places. If you land on one these tiles with a sack of flour on it, you get to draw an ingredient card. " She picked up one of the... interesting looking cards on her right. "And if you land on the question mark in a chefs hat, you have to draw a trivia card and answer questions about the baking world! Once you get enough of the right kind of ingredient cards, you can go back to the Baking Station to create one of the sweet treats or meals listed here." She picked a list of cute sounding desserts and set in the middle of the board for everyone to see. "The objective of the game is too be the first one with a dish to Cornbread Castle."

Estp: "What? Why cornbread? That seems a little weird even for THIS game."

Infj: "Be quiet she's trying her best!"

Estp and Infp both looked at her with intense looks of confusion.

Infj: "Anyway, you ready to play?"

Infp: "Absolutely!"

Estp: "I don't have a choice do I?"

Infj: "Oh come on! It'll be fun!"

They spent the rest of the evening playing through the world of pastry and trivia. And although Estp would poke fun at it any chance he got, Infj suspected he secretly enjoyed playing the cute little game.

At the end of the night Estp went to chill with some of his buddies, and Infp took her cute little gift back to her room with a paper inside that Infj never saw. All things aside though, she had a fun time and hoped that things would continue to sail smoothly. What a foolish wish.

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