Inside an ENFPS head pt. 2

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Fi: I'm not sure we should be doing this...

Ne: Well there aren't a lot of other options that aren't along this similar train of thought. And this is just the simplest one of them, right Te?

Te: Yes now we are finally able to get on with the project

Fi: But, but what if they find out? What if they ask us about it, and we aren't able to answer them because we're frozen with guilt?!

Ne: ehhhhhhh... We'll cross that bridge when we get there.

2 hours later

Ne: Well that was fun!

Te: hmph, it didn't work quite as well as I had hoped, but I guess it did turn out all right.

Fi: I still wish we hadn't done it.

Ne: It's okay, how about we go to the animal shelter in a bit? Would that make you feel better?

Fi: mm hm.

Ne: Alright to the animal shelter it is!

Si: The sink is overflowing with dishes and you haven't done laundry in over a month, but fine go to the animal shelter it's not like I care.

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