Chapter 15

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That morning Infp was on the phone with Enfp- well actually a more accurate description would have been Infp was listening to Enfp word vomit all over her- but she enjoyed listening to Enfp ramble, so it was okay, even if it was sometimes hard to get a word in.

Once she eventually did catch a break though, she told Enfp about the strange gift that had been left on her desk, and the conversation she had with Infj and Estp yesterday. But mainly she told her about the cute game Infj had found at the store earlier that day, and just how adorable it was. Enfp agreed that the game sounded absolutely adorable, but she sounded more interested in the mysterious present Infp had received, specifically who it was from.

Enfp: "You should totally ask her about it!" This was very exciting to Enfp. She loved it when things were all mysterious like. It was like a puzzle! But a little less frustrating.

Infp: "I'm not sure that's a great idea..."

Enfp: "Why not?"

Infp: "Because, well... I dunno. I just don't really like the idea of confronting her like that. I mean like... you know her..."

Enfp: "Yeah, I know what you mean... But come on! Don't you wanna know? Don't you want cloooosuuurrre?"

Infp: "Uhhhhh... So, about that game yesterday..."

Enfp gave a big chuckle, "Hahaha, alright we don't have to talk about it if you don't wanna. I am genuinely interested in that game tho. Is it alright if I come over to have a look at it? It sounds adorable!"

Infp: "Yeah I think that's fine, everyone's gone so it should be relatively quiet."

Enfp: "Oh that's nice! I'll be right over! In like... 10 minutes."

Infp: "Haha, ok see ya then."

Enfp was over fairly quick and shortly after, Infp showed her the little box of adorable. They took their time doing all sorts of cute things with the lil' game pieces, making fake houses out of the cards and pretending all the people were a lil' family. It was all sorts of wholesome hilariousness. Until they were interrupted by a phone's ringtone.

Enfp: "Do you have a landline?"

Infp: "What? No! Does that sound like a landline?" Infp wanted to be surprised by the random question, but honestly... that would be hypocritical.

Enfp: "Oh, I guess not."

They got up to look around the kitchen/living room for the source of the ringing and found what looked to be Estj phone reminder going off.

Infp: "Huh, that's weird... Estj's would never leave without her phone." Her mind started reeling with possible explanations.

Enfp: "Maybe she never left?"

Infp: "Huh?"

Enfp: "I mean like, did you see her leave?"

Infp: "Well, no, but I rarely do."

Enfp: "Huh... Hmmmmm" She began to walk down the hall towards Estj's room.

Infp: "What are you doing?"

Enfp: "I just wanna see something"

Infp: "Wait!"

Enfp walked up to Estj's door and tried to listen for noise. She couldn't hear anything discernable. So, she carefully started to twist the doorknob to just peak a tiny bit and see if she was in there.

Infp: "What are you doing?!?!" Infp tried to whisper as quietly as she could while being utterly confused and a little scared.

Enfp cracked the door open juuuuuust enough to see Estj still in bed, sound asleep. Which would've been totally normal and not alarming at all... If it wasn't Estj. She could be wrong, but Enfp was pretty sure that Estj, like, never slept in, at least not past 8.

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