Part 2 | Chapter 8

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We switch over to a different room now, don't worry we'll still see everyone else, but the focus will be this room in which Estj, Infp, Infj, and Estp live.

Estj was opening her mail in the living room of her apartment, she had to do it fast before Estp got back and ruined her system. She had it organized into 3 stacks, bills, ads and coupons, and personal items. She sorted through the papers looking for a package. She had ordered a new extension cord since SOMEBODY broke her last one trying to swing across the kitchen from the support beam. She couldn't believe they let people like that into any sort of civilized place.

She came across an interesting looking parcel, as she opened it she noticed the detailed edges and frame, she knew what this was.

Dear Estj, you are hereby cordially invited to Isfp and Enfj's wedding. It will be a grand celebration of their time together and their wonderful decision to be together forever... blah blah blah, love and sentimentality and all that, sheesh just get to the point already. There will be a stunning variety of cuisine available during the appropriate times. You are allowed a plus one to bring with you and witness this beautiful occasion. Thank you for your time and we hope to see you there.

With love, Isfp and Enfj.

Before Estj even had a chance to process this intake of information, Estp burst through the door sopping wet holding a skateboard, and with Infj on his tail.

Estp: "THAT! WAS! EPIC!" He was still in his clothes, but he looked like he was about to burst out of those too as he swiveled his whole body around looking for his other roommates. In doing so he unknowingly sprayed water all over an exhausted Infj.

Infj coughed and spat and the sudden attack.

Estj: "Could you at least try to not wreck the apartment? What were you even doing? Why are you so wet?!"

Estp: "I pulled a sick jump off the ramp next to the skatepark and landed in the lake! I FEEL SO ALIVE!"

Estj: "Wh- wha- WHY?"

Estp: "Why not?"

Estj sighed. She didn't know how much longer she could take this.

Estj: "Well, can you at least mop the floor after you're done? You're making a mess."

Infj pushed past Estp to try and forget about the embarrassing situation she had involved herself in, but Estj noticed Infj and wondered why she was covered in mud.

Estj: "And Infj, what were you doing?"

Infj: "Well, I was TRYING to get him to stop and think about the consequences of his action for once! But then Esfj came running out and insisted she had it under control." Infj pointed an accusing finger at Estp. "HE wouldn't listen to anyone though, as he yelled "for glory" careening down the skate ramp and plummeting into the lake. Which of course meant me and Esfj had to DRAG him out of the lake whist on top of the muddy slope.

Estp: "Hey! I never ASKED for you to come with me! You chose to come on your free will, and you should've known what you were getting yourself into."

Infj: "Oh you're one to talk. Admit it. You had no what idea what you were going to do or how you were gonna get out of the situation YOU KNEW was inevitable. You were just lucky I was there to get you out.

Estp: "I totally could've gotten out on my own, you just didn't let me!"

Infj: "Oh please, you were thrashing around like one of the baby ducks you scared!"

Estp: "EXCUSE ME?"

Estj: "Will everyone just BE QUIET!" The exponentially growing amount yelling was driving her insane. Did people have to involve their emotions in everything? She groaned as she reluctantly returned to her mail.

Infj: "Fine. But this isn't over!" She stormed off into the hall into her room. How could he be like this? One day he was going to get himself into deep trouble, and she wasn't going to be there to save him. He was so.. so reckless, why? Was it something in his past? He wasn't allowed enough freedom in his childhood and so he was taking it out now? No, he had told way too many stupid stories from when he was young, it couldn't be that. Why was he like this? There had to be a reason. And she was going to figure it out.

Back in the living room Estp noticed a strange piece of paper lying on the counter.

Estp: "Hey what's this?" He picked up and looked at Estj's wedding invitation.

Estj: "PUT THAT DOWN!" She took a deep breath in an effort to not explode at Estp, as he had seemingly no sense personal property. It's an invitation to Isfp and Enfj's wedding. I was just reading it before you so rudely burst through the door."

Estp: "It says here you get a plus one... Can I come?"

Estj: "Absolutely not. That'd be a terrible idea."

Estp: "Aww come on, I'll be good I promise." He put on his best innocent face.

Estj: "That's what you said when I left for an outing last week. And what did I find when I came home? My extension cord, broken and on the floor, and a dent in the wall! Honestly I don't know how you haven't died yet with all of your shenanigans."

Estp: "Are you seriously still mad about that? I said I was sorry..." He was not actually sorry, he just wanted Estj to get off his back, but apparently it hadn't worked, that or she could see through his act.

Estj: "Sorry doesn't buy new extension cables."

Estp murmured under his breath "Talk about uptight."


Estp: "Alright I'm going." He walked over to his room satisfied with his quip, then realized he didn't have any clothes to change into. He turned around to see if Estj was still watching him.

Estp: "Hey, could I borrow some money for the laundromat?"

Estj: "Are you kidding me?"

Estp: "So is that a no?"

Estj: "Just go."

Estp: "Fine, I'm leaving. I'll go see if Infp has any spare change." He walked over to Infp's room to see if she'd be willing to spare a buck.

He barged right in and immediately regretted doing so as he so saw Infj crying in the lap of Infp, who looked just about ready to cry herself as she tried to calm Infj down.

Estp: "Is this a bad time?"

Infp stared at him with an intensity he was not ready for. It's like she pieced into his soul and said, GET OUT.

Estp: "You know what? I'll come back later." Infp did that sometimes and he didn't know how or why it scared him so much, but he knew it was not to be trifled with.

He decided to just put on some of the least dirty clothes from his hamper, and just get something to eat for now.

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