Chapter 16

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Estj got to the campus with a couple minutes to spare. The staff wouldn't let her in early to the auditorium, so she decided to go over her prepared materials one more time. She looked for her speech in her handbag, but it wasn't there. She took her handbag off and dug through everything, it was nowhere to be found. This couldn't be good. Maybe she could print another copy from the library, she reached for phone to check for the file she had saved, but it was missing too.

Of course, this was just what she needed, good ol' fashioned panic attack. What could she do? She couldn't possibly run back to the dorm fast enough; she was supposed to be out there in just a few minutes! Ugh, how could this day get any worse?

She kinda just... sat there, by the auditorium, questioning herself, how could she have possibly let this happen? It didn't make sense! And it was awful.

Just when she had gotten up to talk to try and do something, anything to take her mind off the embarrassing situation, she saw what looked to be Infp and Enfp running towards her.

Enfp: "ESTJ!! Come here!" Enfp waved vigorously towards Estj as she went over there.

Enfp: "We've been looking for you" she stopped for second to breath "EVERYWHERE" They both looked extremely out of breath, basically gasping for air, Sweat dripping down their faces.

Infp: "We came to... give this to you" She gave the paper to Estj with a very shaky hand.

Estj: "This is my speech." She looked up at their very red faces as a huge wave of relief washed right over her.

Enfp: "We saw.. that you dropped the paper.. when.. when you left.. and we ran.. all the way here.. I hope.. hope it's.. not too late."

Estj: "Here, drink this." She handed Enfp a bottle of water.

Enfp: "Ooh thank you!" She started to chug the water.

Estj: "Well, thank you, I really have to go now, but... thank you."

Infp: "You're very welcome!"

Estj walked back to the auditorium quite confused, but quite relieved.

She got there with seconds to spare, and delivered her message to all the unsuspecting freshman in the auditorium that day. And honestly she did it quite well.

She went out through the back door to avoid the masses of people crowding each of the exists, and was surprised to see Enfp and Infp on one of the benches near the exit.

Estj: "Why are you guys still here?"

Enfp: "Bold of you to assume we ever left." Enfp had acquired a large collection of snacks and treats from the assorted vending machines and concession stands around the buildings. And by the looks of it had already made a pretty big dent in the pile, and in her wallet.

Infp: "We went in and listened to you give your speech! I think it was really good, you definitely did a good job!"

Estj: "Well uhh, thank you. I worked really hard on it."

Infp: "You're welcome!" She continued to watch the birds in the sky fly past, and looked longingly into the sky.

Enfp was trying to climb one of the nearby trees behind them, and Estj was getting increasingly worried about what that girl did in her free time.

Enfp stood up on one of the higher branches and yelled "I'm the queen of the world!"

Then Enfp looked at Infp with a face that said watch this.

Estj: "wh- what is that?"

Infp: "Wait Enfp no!"

Enfp made a JUMP for a higher branch, and subsequently fell through the tree to the ground as she let out a loud yelp, now adequately dizzy.

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