Chapter 12

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A few minutes earlier...


Infj decidedly tuned out the whole situation because it was just too much, she wasn't particularly surprised by Estj's outburst, but that didn't mean it didn't still scare her. She was extremely concerned for the both of them, and herself to be honest. Who knows what might happen?

She saw Estp slowly sideling away, which was probably a good idea. But then Estj confirmed her fear by literally grabbing Estp by the shirt collar and continued to berate him, until he broke free and skidded towards the door. He looked panicked, which was weird because he routinely looked death in the eyes and laughed. But considering the look in Estj's eyes, it was probably pretty close.

She wanted to keep a close eye on Estp, and although she really didn't want to leave Infp alone with an enraged Estj, (yes she saw her standing there, though she almost didn't) she thought Estp might get into more trouble, and also probably needed some help too.

She dashed out the door after Estp right before Estj slammed it shut. That, was a close one. She hoped Infp was good at diffusing things, because this could be a bumpy ride.

Estp didn't stop after he got out the door, he continued to sprint down the hall and around the corner.

Infj: "Must we always run?" She ran after Estp but struggled to keep up with him, especially since she still hadn't fully recovered from the shock of basically throwing herself out the door.

Infj: "Wait! Where are you going?!" She was basically wheezing as she turned the corner and saw that Estp had slowed down to a brisk walk, she sprinted down the corridor and finally caught up with him.

Infj: "Where are you going?'

Estp: "What do you want?" Great, another person to tell him what he did wrong.

Infj: "Are you okay?"

Estp started walking faster forcing Infj to run again.

Infj: "Wait! Come back!"

Estp stopped and turned towards Infj.

Estp: "What so you can tell me what I did wrong? So you can criticize my every move?" He would never admit it, but he actually did care what some people thought of him, at least a little bit.

Infj: "What?" She was glad he stopped but she was almost more confused than tired.

Estp: "Yeah, every single time! It's always stop being so childish Estp, or you're doing things all wrong Estp. And... I-..." He was drawing a blank for words.

Infj: "I- I didn't know you felt like that. I guess I just, really don't want you to get hurt, I care about you, and really want the best for you."

Estp: "I- I-" Estp was at a loss for words. He didn't know what to say. So, he just kinda let his mouth think for him. "I guess I was never really thinking about what I was doing, or what the consequences might've been, I- I dunno... I feel.. kinda bad about it all now."

Infj: "Wow, Estp, that, that was nice." I had no idea you were capable of feeling guilt!

Estp: "Well, I mean, I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'm sorry."

If Infj's heart wasn't already destroyed from the prolonged sprint, it has been melted by Estp's awkward sentiment. But you know, it was the effort that counts.

Infj: "It's okay... You know, I'm sorry too."

Estp looked at her with a sort of confused, but relieved expression."

Infj: "I guess I've been, a little overbearing."

Estp: "To say the least."

Infj chuckled. "ha, yeah, I guess so." She looked at her watch. "It's getting sort of late; we should probably head back."

Estp: "Yeah, I guess so, you think Estj has cooled off by now?"

Infj: "Maybe, I hope Infp is alright, I didn't see what happened after Estj slammed the door, but it didn't sound pretty."

Estp: "I guess I should also apologize to her huh?"

Infj: "That would be a smart idea."

When they got back to apartment the only person there was Infp, who was seemingly lost in her head.

Estp: "Hey, uhh, where's Estj?"

Infp: "Huh? Oh, she's in bathroom cleaning up. You know..."

Estp: "Yeah, yeah I know." He put his hand on his neck in slight shame.

After they talked a little more about it, Infj went back to her room, and Infp gathered blankets and pillows to take back to her hoard by her bedroom. So now he was all alone waiting in the kitchen for her.

As she came walking down the hall he braced himself for the inevitable questions. But she just kinda stood there looking him up and down like she was profiling him.

Estj: "Are you just going to sit there and sulk?" If he pulled one more hijink, the number of people in this room might go down to one.

Estp: "uhh, actually no, um, I actually came to apologize."

Estj: "What?"

Estp: "I'm... I'm sorry, for everything."

Estj: "What is this some kind of cruel joke?"

Estp: "No, no I'm really sorry."

Estj: "Sorry for what exactly?" She wouldn't believe Estp was actually apologizing, not for a second, but she'd play along, she'd see what he was planning.

Estp: "I'm.. sorry for all the crazy things I've done, and kind of roped you into."

Estj: "Who put you up to this?"

Estp: "Haha, no one I promise, I honestly feel a little bad for stressing you out and being kind of careless with my actions."

Estj: "Well if you really are sorry you can come clean up this mess you left on the floor." Let's see if he bites.

Estp's desire to reject that request was stronger than Estj's gaze right now. But... he knew if he turned back now Infj was going bang on him for it for longer than he could fathom so...

Estp: "Fine..." he walked over to the one of the closets and pulled out one of those wet jet things. He started to sweep the floor with the cleaning liquid, the temptation to just spray it everywhere was intense, but he wasn't necessarily on Estj's good side, so he suppressed the urge.

Estj was confused, Estp rarely cleaned up his messes, even when—no, ESPECIALLY when you specifically asked him to. Was he actually sorry? This was throwing her throw a loop and it was almost worse than him being crazy reckless. Actually no scratch that, nothing was worse than his crazy recklessness.

She just stood there watching him as he cleaned up. She was gonna make sure he did it, and did it correctly.

Estp: "Are you just gonna watch me the whole time?"

Estj: "Maybe... You missed a spot." She pointed down to his left as he groaned and slowly moved the sweeper-mop towards where she was pointing.

Estp: So this what I get for trying to be nice huh? Well, we'll see who has the last laugh.

He quickly pointed the thing towards Estj, sprayed, and continued sweep-mopping like nothing had happened.

Estj: "WHA-" Estj decided she just had to let it go or else she might actually implode. As she was about to leave to get changed she glanced at the wedding invitation that was still on the counter, as she remembered Infp's... considerate gesture earlier ...maybe, she thought. Maybe.


Sorry for the long delay between chapters I don't have a good reason I just had some small writers block combined with expert procrastinator skills.

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