Chapter 1

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" The arrival of the Princess has stirred a few Mamas from their deep slumber through the winter. They must be preparing their sons to introduce themselves to the Emerald of this season, as the Queen has dubbed her.

Emeralds, after all, are quite rare, and much more valuable than diamonds. And any man in possession of a good fortune would like to acquire one. It is only proper.

The Princess has been declared by multiple noble gentlemen to be the most beautiful woman in existence, surpassing any other beauty from the previous years. This Author may have to agree with that.

Even Lady Cressida Cowper seemed too stunned to speak at the Princess's debut the day before.

All can agree. There is no match for the Princess this season. Or any season.

This Author will be first to know who will win the heart of our dearest Amelia. Don't worry, gentle reader, this Author will let you know. "


"I cannot believe you wish to marry, my dearest Amelia", Queen Charlotte said, for the thousandth time. The carriage was moving at a fast pace but it seemed to Amelia it was quite slow.

"Mama", Amelia began in the same tone and said the same word for the thousandth time. This was not the first time they were to have this conversation.

"What am I to do without you? What of your brothers? Your sisters? They shall miss you dearly. And, oh my dear Elizabeth, your sister...", Charlotte trailed off, shaking her head.

"Elizabeth has married 4 years ago Mama, you must be reconciled with it by now", Amelia reminded her mother, patiently.

"It was a terrible day", Charlotte remarked, remembering the day. It had been sunny and beautiful, there was not a cloud in sight and everything had gone just according to plan. Charlotte hated it.

Frederick or Friedrich, the Landgrave of Hesse-Homburg did not deserve her sweet Elizabeth, at least in Charlotte's opinion anyway. Though to everyone else, Frederick was a more than accomplished man, and he loved Elizabeth dearly.

The only issue was that they lived in Germany, far away from England, so Elizabeth was not able to visit as often. Her parents suffered greatly at her lack of presence.

"It should always be a matter of great joy to me that I made that match myself, Mama", Amelia said, reminding her mother of who was to credit, or blame in this case, for her daughter being married to a German.

"Everyone said that Friedrich would not want to marry a practical spinster but I did not believe it", Amelia continued, looking out the window. "How could anyone reject my charming, beautiful sister?".

"Amelia you should not make matches or foretell things. Whatever you say always comes to pass. You must not make any more", Charlotte reminded her daughter, practically begging her to give up her pursuit of making matches. Charlotte could not bear to see any more of her daughters go.

Amelia only laughed at her mother's words. "I certainly have to make one for myself, if I am to marry", Amelia continued. She looked at her mother when the Queen remained silent.

"Oh Mama, if I am to marry an English Nobleman, I can visit practically every day", Amelia explained. Charlotte was not happy with it.

"Practically every day is not the same as every day", Charlotte argued stubbornly.

"But I also must make more matches for other people. It is the greatest amusement in the world and after such success...", Amelia trailed off, remembering her successful matchmaking.

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