Chapter 4

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"   Viscount Bridgerton was seen dancing with Princess Amelia Windsor. This can only mean one thing, the Viscount is interested in our emerald. Not a surprising revelation, as all of London, is interested in Princess Amelia.

This author had even seen married men look her way, but the Princess never spared them a glance. Their wives could certainly not fault them, not when such beauty walked across the floor.

In any case, the Smythe-Smith musicale will be held in a week's time, where this author may be able to watch the pair more closely.

And perhaps more importantly, whoever decided that the words"Smythe-Smith" and "musicale" might be used in the same sentence? This Author has attended one of these gatherings in the past, and heard nothing that might ethically be termed "music."


The Smythe-Smith musicale has certainly left an impression on Amelia. And on all others who attended. Even those who came last year, and the year before. It is something no one can get used to. If one brought ear plugs, even they are not enough to silence the awful sound.

But Amelia endured, even if her mother did continue to sigh and kept making faces. After all, Amelia did not want to make the girls on stage feel bad. They already do, certainly. She would.

While the crowds dispersed and began dancing, Amelia was quickly approached by Mr. Colin Bridgerton. Anthony's brother, as she quickly recognized by the matching hair and the same smirk everyone in the family seemed to have.

Colin offered her a dance after getting her refreshments and she contested. But before either could even begin a good-natured conversation on any subject, Viscount Bridgerton himself appeared beside them. Amelia did everything in her power not to jump out of her own skin.

"Anthony," Colin said, sounding so deucedly innocent and earnest that it was all Anthony could do not to kill him on the spot, "you're not engaged for this dance, are you?".

Anthony said nothing, just glared at him.

"Good. Then you will dance with Princess Amelia", Colin said decidedly.

"I'm sure that's not necessary," the woman in question blurted out. Anthony glared at his brother, then for good measure at Amelia, who was looking at him as if he'd just despoiled ten virgins in her presence.

"Oh, but it is," Colin said with great drama, ignoring the optical daggers being hurled across their little threesome. "I could never dream of abandoning a young lady in her hour of need. How", he shuddered, "ungentlemanly."

Anthony thought seriously about pursuing some ungentlemanly behavior himself. Perhaps planting his fist in Colin's face.

"I assure you," Amelia said quickly, "that being left to my own devices would be far preferable to dan-".

Enough, Anthony thought savagely, was enough. His brother had already played him for a fool; he was not going to stand idly by while he was insulted by Princess Amelia. He laid a heavy hand on her arm and said, "Allow me to prevent you from making a grievous mistake, Princess". She stiffened. How he did not know; her back was already ramrod straight.

"I beg your pardon," she said.

"I believe," he said smoothly, "that you were about to say something you would soon regret."

"No," she said, sounding deliberately thoughtful, "I don't think regrets were in my future."

"They will be," he said ominously. And then he grabbed her arm and practically dragged her onto the ballroom floor.

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