Chapter 24

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"Speculation continues to abound concerning the disappearance of the Emerald of this season.

According to Princess Sophia, who as her sister ought to know, she is busy with the preparation for her Royal Wedding (only 2 more days!). But as Princess Sophia must be the first to admit, a woman of Princess Amelia's almost Queenly status, need hardly report his whereabouts to her older, unmarried sister.


Amelia was a coward. She did what she did best and she ran from her problems.

She woke up, with the first hints of light shining all around them. She was wrapped in a blanket (not much of a blanket but it served as one) and lying on Anthony's chest. He was deeply asleep, and he was the quitest and most calm she had ever seen him.

He looked so peaceful and wonderful and it broke her heart to have to leave him, but she knew she had to leave.

Doubtlessly, her family was worried about where she was, and they were simply lucky not to have been found in the process of pleasure making or after while asleep. But all luck eventually ran out.

So she left before anyone could see, and so they would not destroy each other's reputations even more. If someone were to find out and blab about it to others... his reputation would be ruined, his life would be ruined, his brothers, sister's lives would be ruined. There would have been a good chance that he would lose his status as Viscount.

Not to mention what it would do for the impending alliance with Spain. Ferdinand would never forgive and would demand to break it off.


She hadn't even looked pretty that evening. She had worn a light pink dress, simple, but it was to match her sisters, who (with their blonde hair and blue eyes and fairer complexion) looked much more beautiful in pink than she did. Amelia preferred blue or red or even the occasional white. Her hair had been pinned back in a way that she hated, and she wore jewelry that her mother had given to her but it was completely out of date.

But Anthony had devoured her with his eyes, and had ripped off the dress like a hungry wolf nevertheless.

Amelia had returned home (after borrowing, not stealing, borrowing a carriage from the Bridgertons). She could not very well ride on horseback in her condition and in her clothes.

Her clothes! She had forgotten all about them. She wore only her underdress and her undergarments and the blanket around her shoulders.

Oh how chaotic this was. But she could not have turned back.

Since her return (no one from her family pointed out the fact that they left without her except for Frederick asking if she arrived back safe which she replied to affirmatively), she had not said a word about Anthony or the Bridgertons in general.

Matter of fact, no one had said anything.

Even when a footman came to the dressing room reporting that the Viscount Bridgerton had arrived and requested to see her (Amelia). Amelia then had declined and insisted that they tell him that she was not there.

The footman did as ordered, and the Viscount seemed to have left. Much to Amelia's relief, as she was not ready to see him.

Amelia had to focus on her impending wedding! Her new duties, her move to Spain and all the preparations that accompanied it.

The next day (today, the 21st of May), a letter arrived for her. Without looking for it, she knew who it was from. She handed it to David, who would take care of it.

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