Chapter 18

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"The Bridgertons are truly a unique family. Surely there cannot be anyone in London who does not know that they all look remarkably alike, or that they are famously named in alphabetical order: Anthony, Benedict, Colin, Daphne, Eloise, Francesca, Gregory, and Hyacinth.

It does make one wonder what the late viscount and (still very much alive) dowager viscountess would have named their next child had their offspring numbered nine. Imogen? Inigo?

Perhaps it is best they stopped at eight. "


"I hear there was a mishap at the Soiree today", Charlotte said, approaching her daughter in the garden outside.

Amelia did always love the quiet of nature. The sunlight on her face, the wind in her hair, and the birds or insects flying beside her as she focused her attention singularly on her book.

One thing about her mother, she never beat around the bush, but she also never hovered.

"Yes", Amelia replied, not looking up from her book. "A misstep, if one might call it, the Viscount tripped into the King, and they both fell into the lake".

"How unfortunate", Charlotte said, but there was no hint of concern in her voice. "I do hope the King will be well before the wedding".

"The wedding is in a month, Mama", Amelia said, looking up briefly to smile at her mother. "He will be alright".

"Good, good", Charlotte said, and looked around, unsure of what else to say once her daughter returned to her book.

Amelia sighed, and closed her book, balancing it on her lap as she looked at her mother.

"Is something else amiss, Mama?", Amelia asked.

"No, no my darling girl", Charlotte immediately denied, shaking her head. But she did walk over and sit down beside Amelia, indicating that there was something.

"Are you feeling ill?", Amelia asked in concern, turning to face her mother. "Or are you feeling unwell because of Uncle Ernest?".

Uncle Ernest was Charlotte's brother who had died a few months prior, and whom Amelia's older brother was named after. It had not been a terrible surprise, since the man was 71, but nevertheless, it did strike her Mama deep.

"Or is it Father?", Amelia asked.

"No, my darling, but I do think that you should visit him soon", Charlotte said with a smile that was forced.

Amelia knew something else was amiss but her mother did not know how to say it.

"I wanted to talk about your wedding", Charlotte began finally, and Amelia tensed but tried not to show it. "Edward... indicated that perhaps you were not as happy as you said you were. And I wanted to ask you if that were true".

A person goes through life making decisions. To tell the truth or to tell a lie. The truth may be honest and honorable, but may hurt the other person, or create much more trouble than it is worth. The lie is dishonest and dishonorable but it would save the other person pain and heartbreak, and time.

Neither options are good, but neither options are bad either.

Amelia chose to lie.

"Of course I'm happy, why wouldn't I be?", Amelia asked, forcing a smile. "Ferdinand is the King of Spain and he will make a good husband, I am sure of it".

Charlotte smiled genuinely this time. "That is what I told Edward but he seemed insistent on him being right", her mother explained.

"Oh, you know Eddie. He sees what he wants to see", Amelia replied, hoping that she sounded believable.

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