Chapter 21

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" Matchmaking mamas are united in their glee-

Viscount Bridgerton is back on the marriage market!

Even after the scandal with the Sheffields (or is it Sharmas?), he is still considered one of the prime catches of the season, due to his fortune, his face, his form, and most of all, his charm.

It is difficult, however, to predict whether Lord Bridgerton will succumb to matrimonial bliss once more this season.

After the dreadful spectacle that Miss Edwina made of their wedding (hosted by the Queen, may I add).

No one is less happy about the new circumstances than her, one can imagine.

This Author is just happy she can write about something more than the boring balls and soirees hosted in the past few weeks. "


Merciless but straight to the heart of the matter as always.

Anthony can hardly bear to look at them, his family, seemingly unabashed but ensnared equally in the shame of his scandal.

He failed them again, wilfully this time, thoughtfully crafted his dishonour and honed it into the sharpened knife that cut his name to rags in front of Queen and his country and the entire ton. He single-handedly ruined Eloise's, Francesca's and Hyacinth's reputation. Who would marry them now? An old drunk with too much land and too little brains to care for them?

He is not allowed even a day to lick his wounds in peace. He is the head of the Bridgerton family and if the Bridgerton name is to be redeemed, so must he be.

Anthony is familiar with this role, but the cage has never felt this tight before, the road to ruin so smooth and inviting.

He was a gentleman.

He has said those words many times in the last month but always as a warning to himself and to- well, he should have heeded his own warnings.

Promenading as he invites scorn and shame consumes the last of his pride.

Anthony is paying for it now, his unassailable – or so he thought – position in society, cushioned by his wealth and arrogance.

Every toad-eater who has laughed uneasily at his too-pointed jokes, every debutante he publicly scorned, every debt-riddled lord –he must humble himself to them. Seek their approval for his survival and to redeem himself in the eyes of the ton and ultimately, his family.

Better this shame than yesterday's tragedy.

"Brother!", Benedict exclaimed but it was clearly exaggerated. "How good to see you".

Before Anthony could even reply, or pretend to be somewhat decently happy to see them this early morning, and so many of them, his Mother was standing right beside him.

"You will-", she began, but Anthony spoke over her.

"Have you all eaten?", Anthony asked, and while it may sound like he was feigning concern, he truly was concerned. Focusing on the family allowed him the escape of his own dark thoughts.

"You will need to break fast later", Violet said, impatiently. "For now, it is of the upmost important that we act swiftly to... limit the damaging consequences of the unfortunate events of your-".

She couldn't meet his eyes, and seemingly found the hard wood, perfectly polished table of much more interest than looking at her son's face. He nodded along, pretending to care as he broke a muffin into pieces, eating each one without a word.

First Impressions // A Bridgerton StoryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora