♥︎ 22 ♥︎

7 1 25

Apollo and I walk through the palace to a Council meeting side by side. It's become our new normal. Being married to him is not as bad as I thought it would be.

Pushing open the double doors, I nod to the guards stationed on each side. They drop their heads, pounding on their chests.

Even after being Royal my whole life, I still hate it. But it is what it is. Apollo wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me against his side. I freeze, cheeks heating.

"You need to stop being so attractive," I mumble, glaring at the ground like it did me wrong. Apollo steps closer, raising my chin so I meet his liquid eyes.

"Say that again to my face." His mouth twitches, and I just know his signature smirk is coming. I glower at him and open my mouth a quip rising on my tongue.

A cough at the back of the room draws our attention, and I take the opportunity to slip out of Apollo's hold. Bastien steps out of the shadows, chuckling.

"Ok lovebirds, the council will arrive at any moment so be on your best behavior. None of that... whatever that was."

My cheeks burn with embarrassment. "Wha- what are you doing here?"

"No one told you?" Bastien grins. "I'm your head of security in between missions. I see everything."

I didn't think it was possible, but somehow my cheeks got even hotter. "Everything?"

"Everything," he confirms with a cheeky smirk. With my next breath, I slip my unaffected mask into place.

"Well then, I'm glad you're head of security. There should be no more surprises."

Bastien's smirk deepens. He knows this is a mask. I don't care, it makes me feel better. In control.

The doors blast open all of a sudden, shadows seeping across the floor. They bring an odd chill that sends a shiver down my spine.

Octavia strolls in the room, gazing around with interest. Her eyes seem to take in even the tiniest details, filing them away in her mind.

"I love what your mother has done to the place. It really gives an antique feel."

I feel the ugly scowl taking over my face, but I do nothing to stop it.

"What are you doing here, Octavia?" I snarl.

"That would be Queen Octavia to you, hon."

Folding my arms, I strengthen my stance. "Don't test me, Octavia."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk." Octavia shakes her head, taking measured steps forward. Bastien starts forward, his hand on the sword at his waist. "You're not a very good listener are you?"

"I can be when I want to be," I hiss, shifting my weight onto my heels. "But right now, I'm really not in a listening mood." With three steps, we're nose to nose. "Give me the information I want, or there will be consequences. This is my home country, you know."

Her mouth widens into a deeply pleased grin. "Oh I know," she murmurs.

Once again, the doors bang open. Growling, I whip around to face them. "What is going on?" I shout.

"Your Highness, my deepest apologies, but Aero is marching on Scle."

My heart drops. Don't let this be a false alarm. I can't take it if this is a false alarm.

As if reading my mind, Apollo inquires, "Are you positive?"

The CORE member nods, his breathing heavy. "It's really happening, Your Highness."

All the air leaves my lungs in a rush. A small movement in the corner of my eye draws my attention and brings me back to my senses. Octavia glances around, the thick shadows gathering around her as she opens a door and slips through. Without a thought, I charge forward, leaping through the door just before it closes.

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