Appendix/Pronunciation Guide

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Hi! You made it to the end of Folke! As a thanks, here is a list of things/characters found (or maybe not yet found) in Folke. Read at your own risk because there just might be spoilers found here if you haven't read the whole book. Don't say I didn't warn you...

Adonis: (ah-dawn-is) Crown Prince of the Court of Flare. Apollo's older brother.
Aelin: (a-lynn) Princess of the Court of Flare. Apollo and Adonis's sister.
Aero: (arrow) Air Court in the land of Faerie.
Aimstoire: (ahm- store) weather Shaman. Controls the elements.
Ambrose: (am-bros) a recap who is the general of Loam.
Apollo: (ah-poll-oh) Prince of the Court of Flare. Calla's betrothed/husband.
Bastien: (bas-tea-n)Calla's cousin, and member of the C.O.R.E.
Brachsai: (brock-sigh) The trickster Shaman
Calla: (kal-ah) Crown Princess of the Court of Loam. Apollo's betrothed/wife.
C.O.R.E.: The Council's Organization of Reconnaissance and Equity, a group that works for equity and peace throughout the Courts.
Court: a country in Faerie ruled by a King or Queen.
Daesyn: (day-sin) Crown Princess of the Court of Aero.
Deimos: (day-mos) death Shaman. Connection to the Otherworld.
Demia: (deh-my-yah) Octavia and Demetrius's daughter. Taken as Ward by Freya.
Derek: (dare-ek) servant for Queen Octavia. C.O.R.E member.
Dragon: a mythical monster like a giant reptile.
Dryad: a nymph or nature spirit who lives in trees and takes the form of a beautiful young woman.
Althea: (all-thee-ah) Crown Princess of the Court of Rora.
Elf: a small, elusive figure in human form with pointed ears, magical powers, and a capricious nature.
Ezio: (easy-o) Crown Prince of the Court of Loch.
Felicienne: (fell-li-see-en) emotion Shaman. She can manipulate people's emotions to match her own.
Flare: Fire Court in the land of Faerie.
Gaia: (guy-ah) Deceased Crown Princess of the Court of Aero. Calla's best friend.
Gnome: dwarfish, subterranean goblin or earth spirit who guards mines of precious treasures hidden in the earth.
High King Enzo: (en-zo) Ruler of the land of Faerie. King of Loch.
High Queen Calypso: (call-ip-so) Ruler of the land of Faerie. Queen of the Court of Loch.
Helsante: (hell-sant-tey) health Shaman. She diagnoses pregnancies, but also heals and improves life.
King Blackwell: (black-well) King of the Court of Loam. Husband of Queen Esarosa. Father of Calla.
King Axar: (ax-are) King of Aero. Husband of Freya. Father of
King Atticus: (attic-us) King of the Court of Flare..
King Demetrius: (deh-me-tree-us) Deceased King of the Court of Scle.
King Cyprian: (sye-pree-an) King of the Court of Rora.
Kingston: (king-ston)Human servant to King Blackwell and Queen Esarosa is the Court of Loam. Kidnapped Calla and imprisoned her with iron. Killed by King Blackwell.
Lingchai: (ling-shy) visionary Shaman. Most common Shaman to receive visions from, but others will visit.
Loam: (low-um) Earth Court in the land of Faerie.
Loch: (lock) Water Court in the land of Faerie.
Maude: (mwah-dud) A dryad on the council of Loam.
Nyneve: (nin-ev) An elf on the council of Loam.
Nymph: a mythological spirit of nature imagined as a beautiful maiden inhabiting rivers, woods, or other locations.
Otherworld: similar to the underworld. Place souls go when their bodies die.
Queen Esarosa: (isa-rose-ah) Queen of the Court of Loam.
Queen Freya: (fr-ey-ah) Queen of the Court of Aero. Queen Octavia's aunt.
Queen Athena: (a-thing-ah) Queen of the Court of Flare.
Queen Octavia: (oct-ave-ia) Queen of the Court of Scle. Niece of Queen Freya.
Queen Elsbeth: (el-sa-beth) Queen of the Court of Rora.
Regalia: (re-gall-ia) a piece of jewelry or an accessory that chooses a royal Fae and gives them a special power.
Rhys: (ris) C.O.R.E. dragon.
Rora: (roar-ah) Day Court in the land of Faerie.
Scle: (sk-lee) Night Court in the land of Faerie.
Sclian Sea: (sk-lee-ian) Sea in between Scle and Loam.
Shaman: a connection between the Gods and the Tierians. Have powers unimaginable to the Tierians, but their powers are gifted to royals in Regalia.
Sprite: fairy that delivers messages.
Unicorn: a mythical animal represented as a horse with a single straight horn projecting from its forehead.
Vesta: (vest-ah) Princess of the Court of Loch.
Yuri: chamberlain of the Court of Loam.

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