Chapter 10 - Blood and Bounty

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The crew ran to the ship, creating a protective circle around Brook and me.

Segawa: "Catch her! Don't let E.C get away!"

Yorki: "Hurry, men! Protect our girl!"

Segawa: "Don't let them escape!"

Yorki: "Cut down any marines in your path!"

Segawa: "STOP THEM!!"

I shut my eyes and clung to Brook as everyone made it to the ship.

Brook: "Don't worry, I've got you."

"Captain, they're boarding!"

Yorki: "Take her to doc!"

Brook: "Aye!"

Brook took me below to our doctor while the rest of the crew stayed on deck to fight.

Brook: "Come on, just hang in there. You're going to be okay, I promise!"

I wanted nothing more than to believe him, but my body hurt, and I was scared. He burst into doc's office.

Brook: "Gwen! Shot! Loosing blood! Fever! Help! Quick! PLEASE!"

Doctor: "Got it! Put her down here."

Brook lay me down on one of the beds and let me hold his hand as doc removed my blood soaked bandages and examined the wounds.

Doctor: "She was shot from the back. The blast went through, but the bullets are still in here. I need to take them out before anything else."

Gwen: "Is this... gonna hurt?"

Brook: "Well... more than a tickle, but less than getting shot, yoho."

I knew he was trying to make me feel better, so I nodded and readied myself.

Brook: "I'll be right here."

Doctor: "I just gave you medicine to ease the pain but you're still gonna feel some. I'll be quick and gentle, I promise."

I screamed and tensed up as he made an incision over the gunshot wound in my leg.

Brook: "You're okay! Try to stay still, just squeeze my hand, okay."

I nodded as tears streamed down the sides of my face.

Doctor: "How could those marine bastards shoot a kid like this and call it justice...? Great job, Gwen, you're being so brave. I've almost got this one."

By the time, both bullets were removed and both wounds stitched and wrapped up, I had lost a lot of blood. I was pale and panting with exhaustion, still with a fever too.

Doctor: "Good girl, you did so well. Now, let's get some blood in you quick. Gwen, do you know your type?"

Gwen: "Aye... blood type... X."

Brook: "X? I have type X!"

Brook pulled up his sleeve.

Brook: "Here, take mine! Give her as much as she needs."

Doctor: "Are you su-?"

Brook: "Yes, I'm sure! This is an emergency! Give her mine, hurry!"

Doctor: "Alright, I just need a second. Lay down here."

Brook lay down on the other bed across from me. I started shaking and hyperventilating as doc put the IV needles in our arms.

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