Chapter 13 - Daggers in the Dark

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I woke up to Arito lightly shaking my shoulder.

Arito: "Wake up, Pip. Come on, we're here."

Gwen: "*yawn* G'morning, Arito..."

Arito: "It's evening, silly. Get up, time for your test."

Gwen: "My... *gasp* My test!"

I hopped up, took my dagger off my bedside, and tried to run out to the deck but Arito picked me up.

Arito: "Woah, there! Slow down..."

He set me down and offered me his arm.

Arito: "I'll be your escort this evening."

I tilted my head, puzzled at his formality.

Arito: "Just play along..."

I smiled and took his arm, and we walked out. It looked to be maybe an hour past sunset. No one was on deck, the crew was waiting for us on the shore of the chosen island.

Arito: "You excited?"

Gwen: "Very!"

I couldn't stop smiling as Arito lowered us to sea level where Laboon eagerly greeted us.

Gwen: "Haha, what've you got there, buddy?"

A couple palm leaves folded into a hat on his head.

Gwen: "It's lovely, Laboon. You look very smart."

He splashed happily as we walked through the shallows to the shore. A little distracted by Laboon and his palm hat, I just now noticed what was happening on the beach. They were gathered around a big campfire, standing in front, waiting for us was Brook and Captain Yorki. As we slowly approached them, I could hear the crew around us chanting something.

Crew: "Daggers in the Dark... Daggers in the Dark..."

As I reached the fire their chants began to crescendo.

Crew: "Daggers in the Dark...! Daggers in the Dark! Daggers in the Dark!!"

Until captain raised his hand to silence them. It felt like I was in the middle of a sacred ritual. I was so excited!

Yorki: "The name of the game... Daggers in the Dark."

Captain stepped forward and addressed everyone.

Yorki: "Tonight will determine whether or not our little girl will gain the right to fight alongside us in battles. If she has the ability to protect herself, her crew and our ship. Gwen, the dagger you hold in your hands is merely a training tool. But succeed this test, and you will be presented with the real thing."

I nodded, determined to win.

Yorki: "If you cannot complete the assigned task, your blade wielding rights will be abolished. But know if that turns out to be the case, you will still be a valued and beloved member of our crew. That will never change."

I smiled, happy to know that if I failed, no one would think any less of me.

Yorki: "Brook will now announce the rules of tonight's activity."

Brook: "Alright! Gwen, this will be a game to boost your stealth skills as well as getting you used to handling a dagger! Listen up now, everyone! The rules are simple. Gwen stays here on the beach while the rest of us get a minute head start to run into the jungle and hide. After said minute, she will be released and the free for all will begin. If Gwen tags you with a sneak attack, you're to make your way back out here to Laboon."

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