Chapter 17 - They Wouldn't

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Gwen: "See! That's where it connects to the ocean."

He hurried and swam down it.

Gwen: "Wait for me, Laboon!"

I giggled, running after him. He swam down the river towards the town, chirping happily and leaping out of the water. He stopped at the tree line on the edge of town, allowing me to catch up.

Gwen: "Gotcha, haha! Hm? What is it?"

I looked to where he was staring. There was a group of children playing together.

Gwen: "Those kids?"

He chirped and then pointed his fin at me.

Gwen: "Yeah, they're human kids, like me... well, sort of."

I smiled to see Laboon's tail swish back and forth. I could tell he wanted to play with them, but he was also a little shy.

Gwen: "Hey, how about I go and ask if they'll let us play?"

He nodded with a big smile.

Gwen: "Okay, baby brother, wait right here."

However, when I turned back around, a couple of the older looking kids, around 13 or 14, were walking towards us.

Gwen: "Oh, guess they're coming over to us, heh... Hi!"

Boy 1: "You. You're that girl who was with those pirates. We saw you in the bar with them."

Gwen: "Yeah. My name is Gwen. And this is my brother, Laboon."

He squeaked a friendly greeting.

Gwen: "In fact, I was just about to come over and ask if you-"

Boy 2: "Your brother's a whale? That's weird."

Boy 1: "I suppose we should... You know, just to see what kind of pirate you are."

The boy's unfriendly tones made me kind of uncomfortable. But I am a pirate after all, so I kept an open mind.

Gwen: "You probably get some nasty pirates passing through here, but don't worry. Me and my crew aren't like them, I promise."

Boy 1: "Bad pirates or not, we don't want you overstaying your welcome."

Laboon and I glanced at each other, as we simultaneously decided we didn't want to play with these kids anymore.

Gwen: "I see... Well if that's the case, you don't need to worry. We're all leaving as soon as the evening tide comes in."

Boy 2: "Not according to that blonde guy in the hat."

Gwen: "Captain Yorki? What do you mean?"

Boy 1: "We overheard him talking to our village elder about having you and that whale stay here while they continue on their adventure."

Gwen: "...?!!"

Yorki: "The thing is you and Laboon are still very young-"

Gwen: "Laboon! The waves are very calm today, aren't they buddy?!"

Yorki: "Gwen, are you listening? The Grand Line is too dangerous, and we think it'd be best if-"

Gwen: "Hey Captain Yorki, the next island is relatively pirate friendly, right? Do you think I could come inland with you?"

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