Chapter 14 - Let the Music Play

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Brook: "YOHOHOHOHOHO!! This victorious occasion calls for A SONG!"

Crew: "YEAH-!"

Yorki: "Hold on, Brook."

Brook: "Hm?"

We stared at captain curiously.

Yorki: "Gwen, why don't you play us something?"

Gwen: "Huh-?"

Everyone stopped everything and turned to me as I stared wide eyed.

Gwen: "Me, captain? But... I don't know how?"

Yorki: "Well, I think it's about time you started learning."

Gwen: "I love music! I love singing, and dancing... and someday, I'd like to learn to play it myself."

Yorki: "You said you wanted to, right?"

I practically exploded with excitement as I jumped to my feet.

Gwen: "YesYesYes! Please, I'd love to!"

The crew started taking turns at letting me try their instruments. Such as the cello...

"It's heavy, but all you gotta do is hold it up so you can play."

He handed it to me, and I was straining to keep it up.

"There you go. You got it?"

Gwen: "Yep-! No problem-! I... totally got this-!"

I'm supposed to hold this up with one hand?!

"See if you can reach around to pluck the strings."

As I reached around, I lost my balance and fell over with it.

Gwen: "WAH! ...... I'm okay."

Yorki: "Guess that's a no to anything too heavy..."

Brook: "Yeah... That should have been obvious..."

Yorki: "Next!"

The saxophone...

Gwen: "Shiny... It looks brass like the trumpet, but it's woodwind like the clarinet."

Yorki: "I don't know... can she even reach all the keys?"

Brook: "Look, she's getting it."

If I spread my fingers, I can just about get them all.

Gwen: "Got it!"

"Great job! Now, blow into the mouthpiece. See how you feel about the sound."

Brook: "I think this might be the one~!"

He spoke too soon because the noise that came out scared the crap out of everyone. Laboon got spooked and swam away. It sounded like a dying goose.

Gwen: "... I don't like it..."

"It's okay, you just blew a little too hard. Try again, gentle..."


Yorki: "Yeahh, woodwind is pretty sensitive... How about... percussion?"

Brook took one glance at me and just said...

Brook: "Never in a million years."

Gwen: "Uh??"

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