Interlude: Drifting Apart

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TW's in this story! I wont go into detail here cause I'm not quite sure how far this will go. TW for s/h, depressive thoughts and similar and possible gory descriptions.

Sorry for any spelling errors and grammar mistakes. I'm not a native speaker and try to advance my English writing skills trough this story.
Also I write this story to better deal with my own mental health problems so don't worry about someone writing about stuff they know nothing about.

❗️I hope this chapter isn't to shitty, it just try to resume all that's going on and had been going on. The real storyline/plot will start next chapter so please judge after a few chapters in cause it will get better:3❗️

(I don't own Blue Exorcist, all rights fall to Kazue Kato.)


It's been 4 months since Rin found out about his heritage. It's been 4 months since he found out everyone important in his life had been lying all along. And it's been 4 months since his world's been crashing down the first time.

After Shiro was heavily injured due to Satan's possession, Rin was assigned to attend to the True-Cross Academy with his brother. In addition to that he now had to start learning dealing with his body and his abilities as best as he could. With the other exorcists in training starting to get along well with each other, it was difficult to constantly walk on tiptoes around them. He never wanted them to find out about his heritage in the first place.

Since a few weeks ago, Rin was sure to again live through school completely alone, with maybe some occasional company of his brother.
Well, besides him and Yukio living in a dorm room together, he previously didn't believe to meet him often outside the early morning and late evening hours. That however was quickly changed as at his first day of cram school, his smart-ass younger brother walked to the front of the class alongside their dad and declared himself as Shiro's future teaching assistant.

Over the time, the other exwires started to melt a bit off of their icy outer shell and everyone finally started to get along with each other quite well. After the possession incident in Shiemi's house, Rin and Shiemi quickly started to get along really well and became friends. The Kyoto trio took a bit longer to get out of their 'three-people-barrier', but eventually turned out as good company as well. As for Kamiki, she was rather the quiet listener at first. But overtime and with Paku parting from them, it seemed that she actually wanted to be included in stuff, even if she didn't dare to admit it.

Everyone has made great progress in developing good relationships between each other and even Rin felt like he finally found somewhere he could possibly belong. Even just for a bit.

However, things never go as planned and with the end of their practice camp, Rin's newly build up world shattered into million pieces.

So now, it's been 6 weeks since his identity was revealed to his colleagues and friends. It's been 5.5 weeks since he attended his own trail and a deal was made upon his head. Depending on his future, he will live a gruesome life as a weapon for Assiah with just one purpose, the distruction of Satan. Or he will die as a follower of Gehenna, of Satan and most importantly as an enemy of Assiah. There was no in between, not for him. And he feels like there never was.

There never was in middle school. With him coming home beaten and bruised while dark rings started forming beneath his eyes.
And now there is no in between with his friends.


How ridiculous he thought that sounded. After his heritage was laid completely open for everyone to step on or to be utterly terrified, his relationship with the people he knew took a 180 degree turn.

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