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It smelled of burned flesh and coaled bones.
The light breeze blew softly against the lifeless remnants of Rin's shattered corpse. Like a caressing hand it flew around the spot, as if to wake one up out of their sleep.

"What pity, it indeed took longer than expected and was way more gruesome. However if the boy hadn't resisted so much, it would have been a lot easier for him. However it is not finished yet."

After a couple of moments, faint sparks began to appear upon the cremated form, and from them rose enveloped in a powerful cerulean flame, a heart shaped object. The azure shades flickered over the boys body and new light skin started to form underneath the heat. The body created itself identical to it's previous form, with the exception of a few features. Nails, ears and fangs appeared sharper as previously. The only midnight blue hair was now tinted in a white shade that appeared on the fur around his tail as well. New where the little horn stumps that protruded from Rin's forehead as well as the now hovering heart above Rin's chest that energetically gleamed with wild blue flames. The most disturbing feature was however the eyes that slowly fluttered open upon receiving consciousness. Twisted sharp irises revealed themselves as the light hit his retina. Those eyes were crowned with an intense azure color directly resembling the familiar blue blaze, and in they're centre took slit shaped pupils drained in crimson red great contrast to it's surrounding cold shades. Not a hint of recognition shining through those eyes as they took in their surrounding.

"I-I'm alive? How? Didn't I just d-"

Flashes of excruciating pain and despair rushed through the demons mind as he tried to explain what just happened.

"So you are finally awake, my son."

Satans voice rang with a satisfied undertone as he took in the image of his now newborn son. He wasn't physically there, but he had the ability to communicate with others through telepathy and could gaze through Gehenna when he desired. A quite fitting ability for a king, or rather a god, wasn't it?

"I- Wh-"

Rin wasn't sure why but the moment he tried to speak his voice got stuck in his throat.

"Your mortal body died and you were reborn with a body of a demon. Usually demons take on a host if they desire to visit dimensions like Assiah. You however need to do no such thing, as your current body is already accustomed to our mirror dimension. You can say it is a stronger and more resistant copy of your previous physic. Once you are able to take a look in the mirror you will understand what I mean. I await you at my place in the centre of Gehenna."

With that the voice of the demon disappeared and silence filled Rin's mind. No longer immersed in distress and terror as before.
He was thankful for it.


Assiah: Flash Back
(a few hours after the incident)

POV: Shiro

I couldn't bear the feeling of what had just happened. Rin was gone. Taken away by Satan to twist him accordingly to his plans. Until now I have made acquaintance with Satan more than only ones and never has he done anything good to us or Yuri. It was his fault that she suffered so much and had to die. Agh- stop dwelling in the past Shiro you've already moved past that.

Deep inside if I just listen to myself I knew I haven't moved on, but I hope one day I will at last.

My past with Satan has drawn quite some lines on me, so I think we gotta be prepared for the worst.

It was a few hours after Rin disappeared into the Gehenna Gate as I made my way back to the 'crime scene'. Maybe I'd find some clues on why and especially how Satan was able to get to Rin. Usually Satan needed a host's blood to create a Gehenna Gate which he acquires through a possession and following harm and then filling death of the host. Either Satan got into Rin's head and used Rin's blood to create the gateway or he did it otherwise? Maybe there is an option of constructing the gate without blood he just didn't know about.

It was then that I met the door of the brothers room and entered. Luckily Yukio was out for a mission since a few hours ago otherwise all this to immediately explain would be a pain in the ass I just couldn't take right now.

The room was filled with casual student items as well as clothes, food and a few objects out of Yukio's exorcism inventory. The strange and also terrifying thing about this room was now the blood puddles and splatters on one end besides Rin's bed. It must have been the blood Satan used to summen the gate.

It was then that a small reflection caught my view and I began to walk towards it. As I crouched down I recognised the idem laying before me. It was a piece that belonged to Yukio's exorcism  equipment. A blessed silver blade which was drained in holy water. A rather considered small but however very useful item. The blade was specially forged so it could even break high ranked demon's skin. Maybe Rin knew as much or his intuition triggered it and he tried to defend himself with it. Which on the other hand sounds a bit unlikely considering the known methods of constructing a Gehenna Gate. He must have been attacked by a different demon that Satan for the theory to work, because in Assiah Satan doesn't have a physical body anymore.

(I know he doesn't have one at all in canon, also in Gehenna but I wanna create Satan in a certain way in this fanfic and it would either be decently hard for me to do that with a nonexistent body of his (literally a floating puff/flame with eyes lol) or turn out horribly awful -.-)

At that moment, a distant thought emerged and for a short second filled my mind.

Even if I couldn't visit the two very often, even I noticed that in the past few weeks Rin seemed more and more distant and inaccessible.
What if the blood on the floor was indeed Rin's blood? The knife laying on the floor was stained in the crimson liquid. What if it was Rin who was injured by that knife? What if it was my boy who-

He couldn't bring the thought over him as it developed to a scenario. He just hoped that his last thoughts were all mere old man mid age panic of himself and that there was nothing of the liking behind that. Because if it were not, it was the receipt of his incompetence as a father.



The young male laid on the coaled ground a few more seconds before he began to gather his thoughts and stand up.

'What had just happened? Oh good this gotta be a nightmare. Why did he had to take me here?"

It was then that Rin started to really take in his surrounding. The sky his eyes first lay a view upon seemed a crimson and purplish shade. It was beautiful indeed, but definitely not really what he expected from the skies of hell at all.

The vegetation was similar to Assiahs, the colors however appeared much darker and unnatural. Gehenna was still the mirror dimension to Assiah so it wasn't really a surprise for some things to seem quite familiar.

What was eye catching however was the giant black castle walls that appeared in the distance.
Rin didn't really appreciate the idea of approaching the castle, but at the same time knew that what ever way he turned it, he had no choice but to follow Satan's words.

'I'll await you at my place in the centre of Gehenna.'

The thought of that voice still left Rin shuddering, even if it was no comparison to how the demon appeared as he possessed Shiro.


After Rin disappeared into the gateway, what feelings must have he had. Being powerless at the face of hell and the devil himself taking his son away. Blood or not. He must self loathhimself right now, as he sometimes tended to do so even if he tried to hide it. Rin didn't know great many things about Shiro's life, but of what he could put together, it must have been a really hard time for him.

Nonetheless, after a while the thought left him and he started to make his way towards the dark looming castle.

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