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- About 300 years after the incident -

The two twin suns only faintly still illuminated the evening sky as a green haired demon wandered through the lonely halls. The clacks of hard soles, against the cool black and white lined marble floor, filled the stretched hallways. The echo of said sound was the only thing that could be heard amongst the castle rooms at that time.
The servants and butlers were busy with their jobs, usually making the necessary preparations for dinner.

A freezing gust of wind blew a plain green strand of hair out of the demons face as he kept walking beside the slightly opened windows of the room. Little did he care about his messy hair not about the irritated, intimidated gazes shot his way as he crossed paths with a few guard's. An unusual behaviour was indeed displayed by Amaimon, as he nervously rushed down the halls in hastily placed steps. Not only that, but it was also for the stressed expression laying upon his features.
The usually all to indifferent, unemotional and uncaring (if it didn't involve fighting or his brothers) demon king was completely engulfed by his thoughts so that he didn't even dared to care about his uncommon composure.

Hallway faded into hallway until the seemingly never ending trip finally came to a halt before a large double doored frame of dark wooden material. Carvings upon carving decorated the frame upon the threshold. Different previous metals were added and engraved into the base material. It was clear the double doors lead to a royal chamber or something of same value.

Without much of hesitation, the king of earth pushed the doors open, not even bothering to knock. With quick steps, Amaimon made his way into the chamber, however abruptly stopped at the scenery before him, followed by a sharply taken breath, not daring to let go of it on that moment. The room was indeed a large, expensively decorated chamber of a member of the royal family, as much was clear. What was outstanding however were the scattered furniture and the large streaks of black covering parts of the once so magnificent chamber. Large burn marks concealed the once so splendid cool colours of the room, as they seemed to painfully stretch in all directions, starting at the centre.

The green haired demon already had his own slight suspicion as he stepped further into the room, facing the only other door the room possessed. Taking a closer look at the black spots all over the area, it was easily noticed how some of them still gave off a slight amount of smoke. The burn marks had to be quite fresh, not more than 15 or 20 minutes.

Pulling at the handle of the bathroom door, he became aware of the fact that it wasn't locked. How strange. He proceeded pulling, but abruptly hesitated and stopped as he heard quick breaths sounding from behind the threshold.
'Rin is experiencing it again. He cannot do this much longer or he will completely loose himself and damn us all. I bet it has to do with the current situation. Nonetheless it is the result of what is happening to Rin. He must feel it right now-'

The older demon was ripped out of his thoughts as the quick breaths started to form strangled yells of uprising panic. He couldn't wait any longer and proceeded to open the door before him.

Right in the centre of the room, covering on the knees while slightly leaning against the bathtub for support was a crouching white haired demon, hysterically fighting for breaths of air. The dreadful sounds of occasional screams made the atmosphere stung like thousand needles down one's throat. And the worst thing was, that Amaimon knew he had no possibility, no magic or medication to help his younger brother. So he just stood there for the first moments, taking in the sight while still holding a mildly neutral expression. Nonetheless, his mind raced with thought he couldn't possibly suppress.

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