Rescue | Gone

585 20 9

TW: s/h, suicidal thoughts, descriptions of blood, etc. (I probably won't name them anymore in future chapters so to just to let you know one last time) enjoy! (If u can:P)


The late night breeze softly whistled through the leaves which calmly swinged under the dark blue sky.  The air was filled with low howling as the wind calmly blew through the concrete constructions of True Cross.

Shiro made his way towards the director office as for Mephisto send him a message to "occasionally visit and maybe get the current tea available". Of cause he knew Mephisto was again up to something (was he ever not?). The demon had much more important matters at hand than just serve him some favourable tee. It was hard to see through Mephisto. He always chose what was most entertaining to him and he also knew way more things than he wanted to admit.

The hallways to the directors office were barely lit. Dim cool grey lamps and the occasional green light of an emergency exits sign were all that illuminated the long stretched area.

As Fujimoto finally arrived on the directors doormat, a light sigh escaped his lips. He had a premonition that the subject the director wanted to discuss would become rather unpleasant to him.

With that, he raised his hand and knocked three times. He didn't even hesitate to wait for an answer, so he directly made his was into the office.

At the centre sat a certain mischievously grinning demon clothed in white and pink. Every time Shiro met up with Mephisto he wondered how he always managed to make pink look bad-ass. Cause even if he didn't show it, besides him thinking Mephisto was some special kind of charismatic jerk, he still had a certain amount of respect for him that should not be underestimated.

While he strolled into the room towards the chair right in front of the large office desk, a set of tee cups with fitting teapot and spoons appeared out of thin air and the scent of freshly brewed tee filled the room.

"So Mephisto, you called me here. What is it you want to inform me about? Does it has to do with the currently unnaturally rise of demon appearances to do?"

"Yes, about that. I wanted to inform you that while you we're away, the was some 'distress' in your assigned class. And no it doesn't has to do with the rising numbers of demon appearances, at least not directly."

The last part left Mephisto's mouth as nothing for than a faint whisper, however that still was enough for Shiro to catch. Yes he was some days old, but not deaf, at least not yet.
Yet Shiro decided against asking Mephisto about it. The demon had a rather small span of letting important information slip on purpose, so he didn't want the man to be agitated and shut down the information he is about to get. It was still Mephisto he was talking to, and so everything he told Shiro would be according to his plan and his amusement.

"And well your two sons had a small hoedown.
It is embarrassing for me to say but even I was rather shocked."

Concern started creeping up Shiro's mind as Mephisto voiced these words. On his way here he already had a crummy feeling but now his assumptions were starting to form.

"If you want the details you gotta go and ask them yourself. But keep in mind that their on the edge right now so approaching them might be rather difficult."

"Yeah thank you, the last thing I need is parenting advice from you. ", Shiro answered completely annoyed. Since when did Mephisto has parental knowledge, not to speak of the fact that he probably wasn't even raised by his biological parents. And if he saw Satan as his father figure, then that wasn't even better.
Still, he was a bit on the edge for coming here and receiving a sentence of information the demon also could've given him through e-mail or a tiny phone call. However he turns his, Shiro couldn't let lose of the feeling that something was terribly wrong and Mephisto knew it but kept quiet on purpose. And if that was the fact, then for Mephisto not letting him know, it must've been definitely something truly important.

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