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To measure the value of life. Many beings feel destined to do so. To judge whether one were to live or had to face death. Some seek pleasure in doing so, while others tend to avoid decisions of such value to its fullest. Indeed it does project great responsibility to the one making that decision, however some even enjoy it to an extent where said responsibility is annihilated completely by their minds.

For Rin, he sought no such responsibility or rule. All he ever did was listen to others demands, but to never do so on his own. How could he possibly experience the exhilarating sensation of such deeds, or otherwise the anguish and horror completely taking over while being forced to do so. Now however, as Satan sat upon a high angle on the stand of the arena and declared with a sinister smile of Rin's task to either kill the demon before him or get killed himself, Rin saw no other choice but to at least try to fight the beast. Still he deeply hoped for some kind of knockout of the demon in front of him without any deaths.

The demon prince knew he already defeated a creature like Amaimon more than once, but still in the face of Satan at the sidelines as his judge and highest authority and the almost primeval appearing beast before him, he felt like he stood no chance in that moment.

Nonetheless, a deafening reminder of his present task clang through the arena, as the demon at the opposite wall hastily made his way towards Rin with a screeching animalistic roar. With that there was little time for the young demon prince to react as he out of reflex jumped to the side. 'How in hell was he supposed to fight against that thing without his sword? With his fists? It wasn't like Rin was a stranger to fistfights but certainly didn't feel the desire to expand his experience in that field with a combat against the demon in front of him. Oh hell no, surely not! He had to get a hold of himself fast and use his flames to his advantage!'

While being smaller in physique, he still had the advantage of higher agility and speed. So for the next minute, Rin barely managed to slip past every punch and kick send his direction.
Blue flames slowly started to creep up the boys arms as he got more stressed every passing minute. No composure or control of any planned moves in sight. At the sight of the blue blaze, the larger demon took a step back while eyeing his opponent carefully.

'If you win I will let you go and will release you off your sins. Doesn't that sound like an exceptional, gracious opportunity erase your deeds?'

"Satan promised me my freedom, how could I possibly decline that offer. You will face your death soon! Your head for my life isn't a bad deal, is it? And you know what, no punishment awaits me for my crimes! Hahaha I'm so thrilled to finally leave this dirty hell hole again."
The smile that spread across the taler demon was laced with arrogance and menace.

"What crimes? Why were you imprisoned?"

Even if it wasn't the best moment for a digression on past deeds, or rather atrocities, to Rin it still seemed like an opportunity to by time. Maybe a usable thought would by the time cross his mind, even if it seemed hilariously unlikely by now.

"It doesn't matter, does it? And why?! Because you won't live long enough to do anything about it!"

Madness mixed with exhilaration were mirrored by the prisoners twisted expression.
As the demon continued to charge at the younger boy with unplanned, poorly aimed but heavy strikes, Rin's fists started to emit splatters of blue as they continued to grow and finally spread over the length of his arm.

Steady parry's followed as the young prince worked through the barrage of energetic punches sent his way. Even for his amateurish eyes, it was noticeable of how uncontrollably and unpracticed the form of his opponent appeared, even if he probably didn't look any better if he went for offence. Still, for the young teenager the most important thing now at hand was to survive this atrocious kind of battle, all while Satan kept maliciously grinning and laughing in his high seat. Even though he didn't want to admit it to himself, besides scaring the shit out of Rin with his presence, it also agitated the youngest prince straight to his bones. He already made his fair share of being judged by others for only to be seen as a demon, a devil, a weapon or just a thing. 'How ridiculous' he thought it sounded while disregarding of how much he knew it was the truth.

"You see, I took a liking in others' fear and desperation. Usually we do that to humans to feast of their emotions, but with demons it also does the trick. The way the parents scream as they see their offspring splattered on the ground. How misery fills their expression to an extent they utter words in pure horror. And to top it all off, the horrified mimics of the children cowering before me as realisation of their upcoming demise dawns on their little innocent faces. I love breaking them, to every last edge and corner of their poor, unworthy and fragile experience. And the best thing is that with the various methods at hand, they are all different. Their response to my actions thrills me. The terrified expression plastered on their faces. HOW ABOUT YOU SHOW ME ONE YOURSELF, I'M SURE IT WILL BE A PLEASURE TO SEE IT AND BREAK YOU?!! HAHAHAHHSHAHAHHASHA!!"
A disturbing croaking laugher filled the arena as the demon fully thrilled charged at him anew.

"Do you know how much enjoyment it brought me to break apart their life's and their families. Just imagining the blood splattered around their faces makes me want to do it all over again!!"

The words flooded the prince's mind like an endless ocean and buried all remaining thoughts with it. The spiting image of bloodied children laying before his feet. Torn from limb to limb and scattered around like broken toys. Was this a vision, or a memory? Maybe even a dream. But what he knew was that it all resumed to a nightmare. His nightmare.

The feeling of dizziness took over as he couldn't bear the images of death as they flooded his mind. Because the worst part of them was, that among the innocent limp corpses, the bloodied, mutilated faces, he identified people he loved and cared for. His family, his friends... well not anymore he supposed. Was this his final punishment to witness all he ever held dear to be completely ripped from his grasp. The cruel sight let him loose his senses and filled his mind with terror and despair.

For a moment the fight seemed to stop, as the larger creature gazed confused in the direction of the demon prince. Nonetheless, an insidious animalistic smile was still bared on the demons grotesque face. Rin a few feet away from him stood still. White hair fully covered the boys down tilted face. Only the growing trembling of his hands and shoulders was indication for his consciousness.

"What? Are you going to cry?! I thought I could have a little more fun with y-"

With a gust of wind, the breath was knocked out of the arrogant creature as it was brutally slammed into the stone wall of the arena. A hand forcefully gripped tightly around its throat as it desperately gasped for air. The lowered head of the smaller demon rose from its downcast position. Blue flames exploded from the boys body as the cornered demon cowered in horror. The expression he gazed upon once in view told him more than words could in that moment.

Ice-cold eyes stared right into his own ones. It appeared as if the slit red-glowing pupils directly pierced into his soul. The triangular irises radiated a brilliant cerulean at the transmitted pure cold-blooded murderous intentions. This time, there was nothing left of the kind-hearted young boy who feared nothing more than to hurt anyone around of him. The clawed hand clasping around the larger demon's neck kept tightening to a point it drew blood and no more oxygen dared to cross its path. The blue flames started to engulf the covering demon as they surged ferociously through the air around their owners body. An atrocious scream full of agony immediately spread through the gigantic area.

Upon the high seats, the white haired demon god narrowed his eyes with a content smirk. Satisfaction and pure entertainment clearly displayed on his face. Whatever Satan thought in that moment must have been quite unexpected, but pleasing to him.

It was then that the powerful burst of flames died down until only flashes of blue grazed the young demons skin. The agonising screeches long having died down, with only black coaled ashes remaining. Nothing of a possible corpse remaining. Over several feet, the wall and floor were painted by black scorch marks inflicted by the sudden outburst. At that point, the smell of coaled flesh had completely engulfed the training grounds. The only sound audible was Rin's laboured breathing and after a moment the clapping echo of a single persons applause. However, this was gone unheard as the teenager's body slumped to its knees and cowered down. Clawed hands rose and started pulling uncontrollably lumps of white messy hair to a point it started to tint red at the hairline where the claws scratched over the scalp.
And for the first time since many years, Rin learned the feeling of despair and pure panic on anew. A splitting scream full of misery crescendoed through the wide space of the arena, all while it sounded like a newborns first cry to Satans ears.

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