Brotherly Distant

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Yukio POV:

Ever since I could remember, my greatest wish was to protect Rin at all costs. At a rather young age I discovered demons and my brothers and my strange heritage. For me thankfully being not more than a physically regular human, it was quite easy to get along with our whole family situation relatively well. Even if sometimes my training and preparations for my future as an exorcist seemed way to hard and tiring for me to accomplish. But still, I held on to my dream of one day being fully able to protect my brother from all that might come.

That however changed as a few months ago, the whole situation came crashing down and Satan tried to take Rin away by possessing Shiro.
Deep inside I know it must have been hell for Rin to witness such a thing and that it wasn't his fault, but still, sometimes it sounds right in my mind to blame him for Shiros critical injuries.

And now, with the whole Vatican plus the other students and exwires knowing of Rin's existence, it is quite hard to keep a cool head in all of this.
Dad has mission after mission and meeting after meeting. It seems as if the Vatican wants to keep Shiro away from his eldest, to have an eye on Rin themselves. Cause they all knew that Father Fujimoto was no one to follow orders easily if all came crashing down, not even as the currently acting paladin.

It was awfully strange however, that since the incident with Satan, the number of appearing demons has increased dramatically. Overtime even higher ranked demons appeared more often in Assiah.  The whole situation seemed so strange, as if something has happened that made the demons go wild to visit Assiah.

And with my class, I know I have little control over their feelings towards Rin. So I let it be for the time being.

Every time I saw Rin whilst the past few weeks, a dim feeling started to settle inside my stomach. I didn't know what to really make of it, and I still don't, so I try to disregard it as best as I can.
I don't need another problem additionally to my current work and the worries that accompanies it. I don't care if I come off as ignorant, right now is not the right time to deal with minor issues that can wait. And even if something was wrong and Rin truly had some problems, he should start to take some responsibility for himself and others and start working. He won't always get the easy treatment from everyone and he needs to learn how to deal with the difficult situations in life.

A light feeling of guild engulfed Yukio as these thoughts rang in his head. Because however much he wanted to deny it, truly he knew that he was just too scared to approach Rin and didn't even know how to do so if he had a bit more courage.


For Rin everyday came and went without anything unusual. Or rather anything he would consider unusual now. Mad friends didn't count to that anymore. Overtime he got used to the constant ignorance and despicable looks shot his way. Because of his advanced senses, he could clearly hear the whispers behind his back. Although he didn't bother anymore to do something about them.

Today seemed nothing unusual happening as Rin stood before they're classroom door in cram school and took in a deep breath to prepare himself for the daily routine of keeping quite and sometimes internally dealing with insults.
He needed to always keep his calm or the Vatican would quickly have his head. The threat of his execution made his blood run cold every time the mere thought crossed his mind.

Without thinking to much, he got hold of the doorknob and opened the door. Hastily he made his way to his seat in the back of the class. He clearly noticed the atmosphere stagnating as he entered the room. The excited chattering of his classmates quickly died down as he came into the room. While he walked to his desk, the only voice he could still hear was Izumo's. The girl seemed never too impressed by anything and always kept a moody expression on her face.

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