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Shiro didn't make a difference between the value of a demons or a humans life. Well, he did once, but ever since he started to understand with Yuri's death and the following events, he began to change his sight of the world. Now, for him everyone deserves to live. That's the base of everything. However there are creatures that need to be cut short of their influence on others, or sometimes even themselves. That's why horrible humans are send to prison and evil demons are being exorcised of their host, for them to retreat back to Gehenna and to exercise no more harm on the residents of Assiah.

With the individual before him, cowering on the ground, trembling, he tried to make no exceptions. However even for him it became difficult at the sight of the blood smeared across the demon's clawed hands, as he had just witnessed the cold-heartedness and cruelty the creature was capable of. Even if it protected them...


He had to remind himself. It was still a living being who most likely was capable of empathy as well. The definition creature sounded otherworldly and completely deranged to him, so he dismissed that formulation. He himself found proof of demons' capability to feel basic emotions quite similar to the way humans did, multiple times in his life actually...

Shuffling with his feet, he stopped right before the shuddering mess before him. Dots of blood had already started to escape the self inflicted scratches on scalp and near the face. The pain they must experience, physically or mentally, must be immense.

Hesitantly, he crouched down and tried to make out any signs of current realisation of the situation being emitted from the figure.
He knew he needed to be extremely careful, especially with an associate of Amaimon, however something told him to continue and not back away.

At the same time, the half conscious figure of Amaimon began to rise again. Disorientation and distress clearly written all over him. The trembling in his knees as he slowly managed to get to his feet was hart to miss. Half lidded eyes tried to make out the various figures a few feet away, however miserable failed due to his blurred vision. The only think he could make out was a rather familiar voice in the close distance.

"Can you hear me?"

A simple question, nothing more to it. Still, Shiro received no response at first. He couldn't just sit down there and do nothing, so he proceeded and asked again. Again, no answer. After a long moment and another considered breath, he reached out his hand towards the demons shoulder.

"You are severely injured, you cannot-"

A heavy flinch and despairing crawls backwards deprived of any orientation was enough of an answer. It wasn't really what he had expected from that demon. But what he expected even less were the cunning, horrified eyes that seemed to look right through him. Eyes that were so unnaturally cerulean, embraced in a seemingly ice cold gleam that surrounded a glowing red slit pupil. His breath stocked as he took in the specially shaped iris, which he knew all to well.

Without much hesitation, his hand right reached beside his hips and pulled at the first weapon it got a hold off. In split seconds, the slide directly faced towards the demons head. Shiro only then registered his sudden impulsive reaction and the slowly focusing eyes before him. It was all to fast in that moment, and nothing seemed to make sense anymore.

However as the stunning eyes focused on him and realisation spread over the creatures face. The thin, straight mouth opened and closed a few times, yet not letting a note cross.

The priest knew those eyes, and there were only two people that were ever seen wearing them.
'This couldn't- Satan didn't have the power at the moment to receive a suitable vessel, except for-'
Shiro's thoughts raced as he took in the facial features opposite from him.

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