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A/N: Dear Reader,
This chapter contains rather graphics descriptions of s/h and mental problems all in all, so if you are sensitive around this topic of get triggered by it, I advise you to NOT read this chapter. As already mention in the first chapter.

If you struggle with mental health problems, s/h, e/d or anything like that, please don't hesitate to talk to someone. Even if just online of to strangers anonymously if you don't want to talk to close people at first, it is always better to not keep things such as this to yourself. Please take care, you can do this!

(Things described such as in this chapter, or this fanfic at all is my attempt to kind of deal with these topics. Just to inform u that I'm not someone completely unknown to these problems)


After the incident, the mood was completely crushed.  Even without his consent in this situation, Yukio still had the responsibility over his students and so had no possible way of chasing after his brother. Or maybe he had but he just didn't know how to talk to him. With all the pressure build up upon Rin's head, Yukio knew he completely messed up. So without further words, the younger sibling went through the class Programm set up for that day. If one were not to be totally blind, it was easy to identify the harsh expression as well as the lost look in Yukio's eyes.


After class ended, the Kyoto trio plus Shiemi and Kamiki decided to meet up at the schools gate. As unusual as it sounded, Shiemi and Kamiki were together on their way to the public library. Kamiki first planned to leave alone since she did so every couple weeks to get some new books on her favourite series that unfortunately wasn't available in their school's library. And of course, after she accidentally blabbed about her plan, Shiemi's decision of accompanying her was set in stone.

The two of them left the girls dorms and headed towards the school gates where the students planned to meet up. Both of them knew what this 'meeting' was about and were already starting to feel a gloomy feeling rising in their guts.

As they turned the corner, the other three exwires came into few. Even in the distance, one could see the slumped backs and postures of the three figures.

After a few moments, the two girls came to a halt as they came face to face with the others.
Shiemi's expression already held a mimic plastered with guild and nervousness.

"So, you three have something on your mind, or am I wrong?"

Kamiki asserted straightforward. Her expression calm as ever, however the twitching light of her eyebrow gave away her nervousness. She already knew where this whole conversation would lead to if nothing out of the ordinary happened.

"Kamiki, I'm sure you already know what we are here for. " A light sigh followed before Bon continued.
"Shiemi, Kamiki, we already approached the topic with the three of us but I think we as whole should discuss what happened today."

"Oh what a turn of hearth you had so suddenly. What happened with all the rage bubbling out of your thick skull?" ,Kamiki mocked.

"I....I'm not quite sure yet. But the whole situation we are in right now seems so very off.
I don't trust we're all this is going, I realised that this morning. And I think...I should have gone a bit easier on Okumura..."

Silence between the five weighted the atmosphere. That something like this would come out of Bon's mouth while they were all still alive surprised them all pretty much.
They all knew that every single one of them took a part in the incident this morning. In one way or another, they were all responsible for the outcome. And all while the teenagers grew a dim and dull feeling in their stomachs, it was only Bon who was lost in his memories.

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