The Smell of Death

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When the two demons arrived at the scene, they were greeted by a grey mass of demons and exorcists. A swirl of chaos. Fighting; the sound of enraged, feral demonic cries mixed with the stressed reciting and agitated yelling of the exorcists, all while blessed bullets cut through the tense air in ,what felt like, every direction.
A battlefield was laid out directly before their feet with the smell of blood tainting the air.

Amaimon couldn't really hold in the sound of his excitement as he laid his eyes on the scenery before him. He loved the battle, he even seemed to thrive on it with every enemy he took down. All whilst it was only a mere game or pastime for him, as the boredom and bleakness usually filled his day. Nonetheless the earth king knew his first priority was on helping Rin while solving the dense situation at hand.

However as he was about to ask his brother on how to proceed further, he was merely met with thin air.


Other side of the battle:

It's been about 20 minutes into the battle. Wheezing breaths filled with way to much exhaustion echoed around group of exorcists, as they fought to hold their defense lines with all they got. It seemed like an endless loop of reciting, chanting and shielding. Serious critical strikes were rare, as the demons moved unpredictably and not rationally anymore.

And after fighting off a few goblin-like creatures, a striking green moving peak appeared amongst the mass of demons. The familiarity was promptly realised by the observing humans.

"Isn't that – what is the king of earth doing here?! Is this his doing?!"

"Amaimon's been gone for more than two years! How is he appearing here all of a sudden?!"

"I bet he is the root of the late uprises! Typical of a demon king, especially one like him!"

Murmurs went through the group of exorcists as they sighted the earth demon. Fear and agitation flooded the masses on a new as shortsighted theories were already voiced by a few. It was then that Amaimon spotted the dark coated humans on the other side of the battlefield. Turning towards the discourages and cowering exorcists, the demon king made his way towards them in agitated paces. An unusual sight of the king of earth, even the exorcists had to admit. They knew  his usual bleakness and disinterested, but for him to wear such an aura made some of them tremble in fear.

"Leave before you get massacred into thin slices like the rest of you before. I usually don't care about you poorly humans, however right now your presence here is unwanted and only causes additional problems."

Despite his enraged expression, Amaimons voice remained steady and deprived of emotions, all while side glancing at the limp, slaughtered bodies at the sidelines. He felt not a bit of sympathy.
Still, it didn't take long for some uprises amongst the exorcists own rows.

"Don't tell us what to do, demon! I bet you are the cause of this!"

"Why would we be so stupid, as to fall for your tricks of deception! Since when do you care about human life's, we know you've murdered countless before!"

Some even had the spite and courage to provoke the previously 'peacefully' acting demon. 

"If you knew, all this is your fault. You dirty, lowly creatures don't even deserve to survive this so be grateful you are still alive!"

At this point the agitation in Amaimons voice sounded clear as day to the exorcists deaf eyes, which the majority of usually only heard their own made up truths. So, even the last voice of unnecessary complains and outrage got quiet all along. At the back of the crowd, a few exorcists decided to give 'backup' and retreat from the shocked mass, pulling other scared individuals with them. A few long moments later, of the once about 30 individuals left, only more or less half of them remained. 'Cowards', they knew it all, as they gazed at the terrified expressions of the exciting people.

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