Chapter 5

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Lily's POV

"Oh Hey Lily, I didn't know you were coming round, c'mon in" Vik greeted me as he opened the front door. I was in complete awe of this house, It was fucking huge.
"Yeah, Jj invited me round" I said as I walked into the house, there was absolutely no way I was messing up these floors. I took my shoes off and sat them outside.

"We're just through here" Vik ushered me through to the huge kitchen and sat down on a free chair at the island.
I was welcomed by everyone who was sat in the kitchen.

"So how many people live here?" I asked as I sat beside Vik.
"Just me, Vik, Simon and Jj" Josh replied to my question.
"Oh and Talia and Freya have practically moved in as well" He added.

Before I got a chance to reply to Josh, Jj walked in the room with a few boxes of pizza in his hands.

"The pizzaman brings well... pizza. Hey Lils" He said as he placed the pizza's in the middle of the island and opened the top box.

"Ooo, Is there any spicy chicken?" I asked absolutely starved.
"Yeah, here you go Lily" Vik passed me the box of pizza and my face lit up, If I had to choose one food to eat for the rest of my life it would be this.

"So what's the plan for tonight" I asked as I took a slice of pizza and placed it to my lips.
"Well I thought we could just sit around, play a few games or something maybe watch a movie?" Jj said/ asked.
"Oh my god, have you got monopoly!" I exclaimed.

"Somewhere upstairs yeah, I'll head up after I eat this" Simon answered me as he practically devoured his pizza.

Monopoly was my specialty, I had spent so much of my time playing the game that I'd perfected it. I was unbeatable and well extremely fucking competitive. 


We were all sat in the large living room, the monopoly board was set up and everyone was choosing their little tokens and like everytime I chose the duck. I called it my lucky duck.

"Yes! Gimme your cash minter" I shouted as he landed once again on one of my properties.
"I'm bankrupt" He said as he went into a huff.

"Well then, you're out" I laughed as it was now down to the last two, me and Josh.

"I'm on to you Robertson" He said as he rolled the dice. The tension in the room was indescribable, everyone was staring at the game board.


"Yeah, Yeah whatever. You owe me money" I replied as he landed on mayfair, which had a hotel on it... poor guy.
"That's 2000 pounds Zerkaa, cough up" I laughed.
"I can't, I'm out" He said as he stood up and flipped the board.

"YES! I win, you lose haha!" Ahh I loved winning, I shot up and began cheering.

"Yeah, Yeah whatever" Josh said as he sat on the sofa, clearing still in a huff along with Simon.
"Awh don't be so bitter Josh, It's only a game" I teased as I sat beside Jj.



Lily couldn't believe how well she actually got on with these guys and they couldn't believe how well she fit in with them. They only met yesterday but they already considered her as part of the family, It was so sweet.

"So, Where are you from Lily?" Talia asked her.
"Oh just outside of Newcastle" Lily replied.
"I knew I recognised the accent" Jj chimed in.

Simon excused himself as he had to record a video, Josh and Vik were going to stream and soon enough Talia, Jj and Lily were left watching whatever crap was on the tv, the room was filled with a comfortable silence.

Talia had left the room about 20 minutes later to go and annoy Simon and that left Jj and Lily on their own.

"What's your secret to Monopoly? He asked.

"Well if I told you, it wouldn't be a secret then" Jj looked puzzled.
"I'm kidding, I don't really have one. I guess I'm just fucking good at the game and lucky" Lily added on to her previous statement.

The room fell into another comfortable silence before Lily spoke again.
"I'd better head off, It's getting late" She spoke as she checked her phone.
"Sure, no problem. I'll see you soon though?" He asked.
"Of course, text me" She said as she gathered her things, before giving him a short hug.


Arriving home I simply couldn't wait to get into a nice pair of fluffy pyjamas and get into my bed.

*incoming call*

"Hiya Lils, How is it?" I heard a voice coming through the phone.

"Hi Dad, It's amazing. Already met a few people, they're great!"

"Ah that's amazing Lils! So you're settling in well then?"

"Yeah, You should come see me soon"

"Well that's why I'm calling sweetie, We were hoping to come down soon if that's okay?"

"Of course it is Dad, I'm excited to see you! How's Shauna and the baby?"

"They're good, she's constantly complaining about feeling sick or being sick and what not but she's good"

"Amazing! Let me know when you're thinking of coming down yeah? I'm just about to head to bed."

"Okay well goodnight Lils, Love you darling"

"I love you too Dad" I hung up the phone, tied my hair up and stuck the tv on.

I planned on watching shameless for a while before actually going to sleep but the moment I lay down and got comfy I fell asleep instantly.

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