Chapter 21

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QUICK A/N: Do you prefer the story being in Lily's Pov or Third person?
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Lily's POV

With everyday that passed Jade was becoming more like herself again. She was talking a whole lot more, eating more regularly and getting at least 8 hours of sleep every night. Jj and I finally finished the baby's room now the only thing missing was him. Considering I was the most impatient person on earth, waiting another 8 weeks to meet our son was like torture, oh I'm 32 weeks pregnant now by the way and my bump was HUGE, double the size than the teeny little thing I had a few weeks ago. It literally came from nowhere as well, I woke up one morning, looked in the mirror and boom! Huge fucking bump. None of my clothes fit me anymore so I wore Jj's, he didn't have a choice but thankfully he didn't care.

We sat on the large white couch in Jj and Si's flat, for once we weren't actually lounging around my house.
"Chinese food is on it's way" Simon waved his phone around as he walked back into the living room.
I groaned as I looked up from attempting to paint my toe nails, I could barely see them anymore never mind reach so I don't actually know why I began this task.
"Ugh I can't fucking reach" I say as Jj, Simon and Talia laughed. Jj took his phone out and snapped a photo of me struggling. "Delete that" I exclaimed as I tried grabbing his phone but was unsuccessful.
"Okay this is getting fucking ridiculous" I sighed as I tried reaching for my drink but again was unsuccessful.
"Have you thought of any names yet?" Talia asked as she took her eyes away from the tv.
"Oh don't get her started, We literally can't agree on anything" Jj was completely right, the closer it got to the birth we knew we had to pick a name but there was too many options and we both couldn't find one we liked or we hated the name the other picked.

"I've got a few but Jj's hates them" Recently we have had so many arguments, well not arguments as such it was more bickering with each other.
"I don't hate them, I just don't think they'll suit the little guy" He pointed out.
"You don't even know what he looks like yet Jide" Simon laughed.
"I guess we could wait until he's here, pick a name then?" I suggested.

The four of us continued having a conversation about the baby and a few random stuff before the food came.
Recently my cravings had been all over the place just like my mood had been, honestly I wasn't sure how my friends put up with me. As it was nearing to the end of my pregnancy I had become a moody bitch although Jj would tell you I had been like that the whole time.
Curry sauce was probably my main craving at this point, I literally couldn't eat food without out. Last night I had a pizza and dipped it into curry sauce and honestly it was the best thing since sliced bread.
"You got enough sauce there Lily?" Talia laughed as she watched me pour the full tub over my plate.
"Fuck you" I joked as I mixed it into the rice and began eating.



Lily and Jj spent the night with Simon and Talia at the flat, truthfully it was because Lily couldn't be bothered going home but also because she felt kinda bad that she had stolen Jj from his friends recently. They all understood though, I mean they were having a baby it was bound to cause a little bit of disturbance within the group. The boys still filmed regularly and got together either everyday or every other day but Jj would miss some videos or meet ups due to Lily having a midwife appointment or was feeing a bit under the weather.

Lily was absolutely loving spending so much time with Jj and although it wasn't official between them they both knew what was going on. Jj had fallen for Lily, like he had really fucking fallen for her. He was so mesmerised by everything she done even if she was cooking a meal or loading the dishwasher. His feelings for Lily had never left, even through the breakup and the period of them not speaking to one another, he was still drawn to her.

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