Chapter 25

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Lily's POV
40 weeks + 3

Slow labour was a pain in the ass oh and now I'm 3 fucking days past my due date. I was still experiencing some sort of contractions but they had gone up to 20 minutes apart now which was even more of a pain in the ass. I'd gotten back from New Castle a few days ago now, a day earlier than expected because I thought I was going into labour.

Jj had rushed to pick me up and take me to the hospital where I was told to go home because I'm only 2 centimetres and they wouldn't admit me to the labour ward until I was at least 4.
So for the past few days, I've spent basically on this huge yoga ball or walking around hoping it would sent me into active labour but so far it was failing... miserably.

"Yes I'm still fucking pregnant" I moaned as I walked onto the sidemen shoot.
"Don't mind her, she's cranky" Jj announced as he walked over to Kon and bro-hugged him.
"Why don't you sit down, make yourself comfortable" Tobi offered as he patted a spare seat on the couch beside him.
"Nope, I'm gonna keep walking around" I replied as I walked in circles.
"Fuck me, this is getting ridiculous. Get out of me!" I half yelled as I looked at my stomach and lightly poked the bump which resulted in the baby kicking back.

"Huh looks like you're sons got an attitude J" I laughed as I pointed at my stomach which was moving like crazy. Ethan looked totally freaked out and went chalk white at the sight which made everyone laugh.

"Just like his mum then" Jj smirked as he fixed his mic and sat down on chair. "Just don't go into labour for another few hours please" He added before he was joined by the rest of the boys.

I walked around the studio whilst they filmed their video and of course half way through I buckled over in pain.
"Ahhh fuck, okay that was the strongest one yet" I screamed, my contraction pains hadn't been that painful over the past few days but this one... this one hurt like a little bitch.
"You okay!" Jj shouted from the other side of the room.
"Yeah I'm good, carry on.... Oh shit"
"Um guys, either I've just pissed myself or um my water's have just broken" I said in a panic as I looked at the pool of water that was surrounding my feet.

"WHAT!" Jj shouted as he ran over to check if I was okay.
"I'm fine, completely fine... AHHHHH NEVER MIND" I felt other contraction but told Jj to go and finish the video so I could call my midwife.

"Oh for fuck sake" I squealed as I felt another contraction minutes later, my midwife was notifying the hospital that I would be on my way shortly and now I was holding the couch in the corner of the room screaming in pain as I waited for the boys to finish the video.
"Lily, I really think we should go to the hospital" Talia said as he held my hand.
"No I'm not leaving until they're finished" I replied as I swatted her hand away.

"Erm guys, I think you should wrap it up" T spoke in a panic as I was hit with yet another contraction.

5 minutes later, I was surrounded by seven men, each one of them terrified because I was screaming like a banshee.
"Right let's go have this baby" Jj said as he picked me up and carried me to the car, everyone running behind us.
"T can you go to the house and grab the bags?" I asked as I threw the keys to her.
Simon, Talia, Harry and Tobi drove to mine and Jj's house to gather my things and they would meet us at the hospital and Jj well let's just say we were a little over the speed limit.

"Hi erm, I'm having a..... Ahhhh a baby" I groaned as I reached the front desk. I was immediately escorted into a room along with 3 other women all in labour. It was like a fucking zoo in there, every single one of us were screaming. Thankfully Jj bribed the hospital to get us into a private room and 30 minutes upon arrival to the hospital, I was took there.

"Okay Lily, you're 5 centimetres dilated so you're definitely not going anywhere " She said as she finished checking me over. "I'll be back in a few minutes, would you like to get the epidural? Now is the only chance" She added as I shook my head no, I had read online about all the side effects you could get from the epidural and there was a fat chance I would be taking it, If I was doing this it was natural or not at all after all I was literally made for this.

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