Chapter 42

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Lily's POV
The End~ 6 years later...

A lot has happened within the last six years, after the wedding Jj, Daisy and I jetted off to Greece for a week and had the best time of our lives. Harry had finally moved out of the Olatunji household and got his own apartment not too far from where we lived, oh and here's the cherry on top... Mollie moved in with him! My plan had fucking worked, after meeting for the first time at Ethan and Faith's halloween party they had really hit it off. 7 months after the wedding, Harry had finally worked up the courage to ask her to be his girlfriend and then 2 years she moved in with him because she had been kicked out of her house by her bitch of a roommate.

Ellie and Vik were married now! I honestly couldn't believe it when she told me they were engaged, I practically fell to the floor and cried especially when she asked me to be her bridesmaid.
Faith! Oh Faith and Ethan were having another baby! I cried when I got told that as well, god I cry a lot don't I? You should've seen me when she told me she was pregnant with Olive. Josh and Freya were still doing their own thing but I mean they've been together for fucking 17 years or something, surely a wedding is in the cards for them soon.
Talia and Simon got married 3 years ago in Italy, it was probably the most romantic wedding I'd ever been to.
Of course I was the maid of honour at her wedding, if you think she was bad when planning my wedding... fuck me you should've seen her when it came down to her wedding.
Tobi! Yes Tobi, he dating a fucking amazing girl and had been for the past 2 and a half years. When Grace first came along, I must admit that I did not fucking like her but after getting to know her she became one of our bestfriends and officially gained in a place into the 'Real Housewives of London' group chat within a few months.

Now finally to me and Jj, after Daisy's first birthday we both agreed to start trying for another baby but unfortunately nothing was happening so we decided that maybe it wasn't meant to be which broke both of our hearts... but then I miraculously fell pregnant with our second daughter Willow. Willow was born on Christmas Eve four years ago, Jj was gutted that it wasn't a boy which he had hoped for but don't worry because 16 months later I gave birth to our son Aj.

We still lived in the same house but got a complete remodel done when I was pregnant with Aj and we pretty much still lived the same lives. Jj and the boys stil posted on Youtube, he actually went on to persue his music and boxing career so they came first. I went on to making my own music, got a record deal and produced 2 albums and even went on a tour but then came to realise that it wasn't worth it and so I became a stay at home mum and I fucking love it. 

I love my life and I am so fucking thankful for everyone in it. If it wasn't for my dad practically kicking me out all those years ago I would never be where I was today, I'd never have met Jj, fallen in love, became a mother, got married, became a mother again... and again and I guess I would have never found my home.

I'd like to thank everyone who has read this book and everyone who will read this book. I appreciate every single one of you. Sadly this story is now over but I think you all knew it was coming to an end, in another news I have another few stories in the works!! I might just post one within the next few days, but for now this is it🥹

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