Chapter 26

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Daisy was probably the best new-born ever, she slept great and rarely ever cried. Lily and JJ were adjusting to life as parents and for the first 2 weeks of Daisy's life  they were all kinds of emotional especially Lily. Being a new mother was really taking a toll on her mental and physical healh, the physical side wasn't so bad it was really just because she rarely slept or shower but the mental side was hard. She would cry constantly and find herself staring into nothing for long periods a time.

Jj had taken sometime off of filming with the boys and after himself and Lily annouced Daisy's birth the world understood why he hadn't been in videos or hadn't been seen in public.
He was a great dad and would help out a lot with the baby, he'd do night feeds so that Lily could get more sleep but she really needed it, the bags under her eyes spoke for her.

They had also changed the baby's room from blue to pink and lilac and bought a whole new wardrobe for her. Daisy slept in Lily and Jj's bedroom, although they tried their hardest to get her to sleep in her cot, she would never settle.

"Could you take her for a minute?" Lily asked as she held her daughter who cried in her arms. JJ stood up, grabbed the dummy that sat in her bouncer and took Daisy off of Lily's arms before watching his girlfriend walk upstairs. Lily came back down a few minutes later wearing pyjamas and had a new baby grow in her hand along with her clothes that were covered in sick.
Jj passed his daughter over to her mother and he watched her changed her nappy and put new clothes on her.

Lily went back to feeding Daisy and Jj cooked a meal for the two. Thankfully the baby had a nap after her bottle which gave Lily and Jj some quiet time to themselves which they rarely ever got anymore.


Lily's POV

No one tells you how much stuff you need to have when you leave the house after having a baby. I had packed extra clothes for Daisy, two pairs of everything. Her bottles, spare dummys, blankets, nappies and babywipes along with nappysacks and that was just in her bag. My bag was full of everything else that I might not need but it was there for a just in case.

We were only going over to studio because Jj had to be in next weeks video but It looked as it I had packed for a week. "Are you ready?" Jj asked as he picked up the carseat with Daisy sleeping soundly inside of it. I looked around the hallway once last time before saying "Yeah let's go". I was absolutely terrified of leaving the baby alone in the backseat so I sat beside her as Jj drove. 

The drive was short and thankfully Daisy didn't wake up once, when we stopped I lifted her out of the carseat and into her pram. Jj and I walked into the studio and over to the boys who were engaged in conversation.
"Lily! How are you?" Harry asked as he approached me pulling me in for a hug.
"Aww look at her, she's beautiful" Simon complimented as he looked into the pram and saw Daisy who was just beginning to wake up.

"Thanks Si, where's T?" I asked but before anyone could answer me Talia ran over.
"I'm here! Sorry I was in the bathroom" She told me as she hugged me, "Can I have a cuddle" Talia added as she looked into the pram. I nodded and watched as she picked Daisy up, supporting her head of course.

I was greeted by the rest of the sidemen boys along with Freya and Ellie. Being at this shoots without Jade was quite sad, she always brung snacks or games for us to play. I still hadn't spoken to her and Talia still hadn't told me whatever she said on the phone when I was in labour to be honest I didn't even want to hear it, I was still so pissed off with her about well everything.

Although she moved house, she hadn't actually moved far away. Jade now lived in a block of flats about a 10 minute drive from where her old house used to be.

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