Chapter 28

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Lily's POV

When the police told me that they had a lead on Daisy's disappearance, my heart dropped and I jumped out of my seat. A police officer had to restrain me because I tried to go with them even though I wasn't allowed. We waited at the police station until the officers returned but they were empty handed.
"Where is she! Where the fuck is my baby?" I shouted as I noticed one of the female officers walk through the double doors. Jj grabbed my hand in fear I would end up getting myself thrown in jail. It had now been just over 2 days since Daisy was taken from us and I was constantly on edge.

"I'm really sorry Miss Robertson but she wasn't there. We have a suspect being questioned in another room" The woman told us as politely as she could. She could see how worked up I was and I was grateful that she and all of her other colleagues were so patient with me.
"If you don't mind Lily, we have every reason to believe that this woman is involved in disappearance of your daughter and It would really help the investigation if you could come along and identify her?". The woman spoke again and I don't know why but I just knew... I KNEW that this girl was there and she had played a part in this so I went. Jj and Talia followed me. A short walk later we were placed in a room and the only thing in that room was a few chairs and a massive sheet of glass covering the wall.
I stood facing the glass waiting for her to walk through the adjacent room and face us.

6 minutes later, there she was. The stranger who snatched my daughter out of my room and ran away with her... but if she was here then where the fuck was Daisy?

"Miss Robertson? Do you know this woman?" Office Forrest asked as he stood noting more things down in his notebook.
I choked on my tears as I tried to explain the reason why I knew her, I tried so many times to get the words out but whenever I opened my mouth to say anything the only thing that came out were the cries.
"She's the one who took her" Jj answered for me as I cried onto his shoulder.

Officer Forrest nodded his head yes to the female officer through the glass window and she began walking out the room with the woman.
"Wait!" I said as I watched her open the door.
"Can I speak to her?" I asked Officer Forrest and watched as he contemplated for a moment before agreeing. He ushered me through to the questioning room and watched as I sat on of the chairs. He stood at the door waiting for them to come through.

Soon enough I was faced with the woman who kidnapped my daughter. A million different emotions waved over me but surprisingly I wasn't sad anymore and instead the only thing I felt was anger.

"Where is she?" I asked as I clenched my jaw. She ignored me and so I asked again and again.... and again but everytime I spoke, she would look at a different corner of the room.
"Miss Limond" Officer Forrest spoke up, wait Limond?
"So you're Jade's sister then? Well that fucking explains it all. I'm gonna ask you one more fucking time. WHERE THE FUCK IS MY DAUGHTER!" I yelled as I leaned forward and grabbed her face so she could look me in the eye.
"Jade" she whispered before standing up and walking towards the door where the female officer stood.
"Officer Michaels, I think we have enough confirmation. Take her to Cell 65" Forrest said as he rested his hand on mine.

"I have a plan" I told him as the door closed behind Michaels.


"It's her fucking sister, of course it's her fucking sister" Lily said to Jj and Talia who had been eagerly waiting for her to join them. "That fucking bitch. What's happening now then?" Talia asked as she embraced Lily who was now no longer sad, she was filled with a burning rage.
"I'm calling Jade from her sisters phone and they're going to track the call" She told them so proud of herself that she managed to come up with a plan to get her baby back.

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