Story 9

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Request: So, tell me a story about ninjago in season 4, where ninjas are on master's Chen island. Together with ninjas there are other elemental masters, but also one not shown in series, Mike, the tickling master. On the board, there is written who will fight against who, and Cole, has to fight against Mike. During the fight, Mike was using his powers to tickle torture Cole, without even touching him. It was making Cole squirm and trash on the floor, from unbearable tickling. He wanted to fight back, but Mike was just too powerful. Please describe the unbearable tickling Cole felt. The story has to be minimum 900 words.

900 words.

Story: Cole was feeling a tremendous amount of tickling all over his body. Everywhere he looked, he saw Mike, grinning as he slowly began to tickle every inch of Cole's body. His fingers seemed to be everywhere, and the more he tickled the more Cole felt like his skin was on fire. He tried to resist, but it was no use. His body began to move uncontrollably, and he found himself haphazardly bouncing and writhing around.

The tickle torture that Mike inflicted was unlike anything Cole had ever experienced before. His whole body was tingling and buzzing with a strange but oddly pleasurable sensation. Everywhere he looked, he saw Mike's fingers fluttering and plucking against his body with astonishing accuracy.

Cole found himself completely defenseless against the man's powers, just as the other ninja had warned him about. As Mike gradually increased the intensity of his attack, Cole's pleas for mercy went unanswered.

He had never experienced something like this before, and he was completely helpless. He kicked and flailed his legs manically and screamed out hysterically at the top of his lungs. The ticklishness seemed to be coming from everywhere, like an invisible fingertip running down his body. He couldn't pinpoint the source of the sensation, but it was making him crazy, and he knew he could not withstand it much longer.

First, he felt the back of his neck tingle, like a hundred tiny fingers poking and prodding in a pattern. It was an unfamiliar, but highly pleasurable sensation. His face then became submerged in a sea of sheer delight, as Mike's powers seemed to envelop him from head to toe in a ticklish fog. He desperately tried to writhe away from this invisible force, but he quickly realized it was futile. Just as he thought he was about to snap and lose control, the sensation would become even more intense, and the laughing would start again.

The tickling moved lower, and he soon found himself struggling to keep his body in check as Mike's powers focused on his abdomen. Waves of giggling and kicking besieged him, as the unbearable ticklishness seemed to increase with every passing second. He found himself absolutely unable to keep his body still and was forced to cower away in the corner, trying desperately to fight off the waves of laughter and discomfort.

Unfortunately, the sensations just kept on coming. With each passing second, Mike seemed to find more and more sensitive spots to attack. It seemed like Cole's body was becoming more and more sensitive, as every little touch caused a new burst of uncontrollable laughter and thrashing. He felt as though every inch of his body was being tickled, and he was in complete state of helplessness.

Just when Cole thought he was about to lose it, Mike stopped his onslaught and stepped away. He still had a few moments to catch his breath, but it was fleeting. He took a few steps forward, leaving his friends and allies behind. Cole was the only one from his group that had to face Master Mike, the tickling master.

Cole stood still for a few moments, as Mike slowly approached him. His tickling aura was already evident, and Cole’s mirths and laughter bubbled up from deep within him. Cole couldn’t control it, and began to laugh.

“As you know, I’m the tickling master,” Mike said with a wide grin, his eyes almost twinkling. “I can make you laugh without even touching you.”

Cole was skeptical. He was a powerful elemental master, but he had never heard of such an ability. Mike chuckled and extended his hand outward, finally telling Cole to shake it. He did, only to pull away with a start. His skin was tingling and he felt like thousands of tiny fingers were running over his body. He was practically screaming with laughter.

“What’s happening?” Cole shouted, try to remain calm, but it was hard. He felt like his skin was on fire.

“Do you like it?” Mike said mockingly, his eyes lit up with amusement. “It’s incredible how much I can tickle you without even touching you.”

Cole was feeling helpless. He tried to shield himself from Mike’s tickling aura, but nothing seemed to work. It was too powerful, and all his struggles were quickly becoming futile.

“This is unbearable,” Cole shouted, his legs buckling beneath him. He curled up into a ball, trying to shield himself from Mike’s power, but it was of little use. The tickling kept coming, and he was becoming more vulnerable with every passing second.

The laughter eventually stopped, but Cole was still exhausted. He felt like he had been wrestling. He looked up shakily at Mike, who was still looking down at him, his expression smug.

“It seems like you have had enough,” Mike said, his voice dripping with mirth. “I think that you have learned your lesson.”

Cole lay there, barely able to move, unable to form a response. He watched as Mike walked away, his laughter fading in the distance.

Cole lay there for a few more moments, gathering his strength. He eventually got to his feet, feeling a little better than before. He glanced back towards the island, relieved that his ordeal was over. He still wasn’t sure what Mike was capable of, but he was determined to never underestimate him again.

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