Chapter 36: Time to read the will

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Logan went home yesterday he had to fly out, Finn is leaving on Wednesday, and Juliette and Steph are flying with him to Paris. Colin had to return to New York yesterday for school. Seth and Colin left yesterday evening.

So, now it was just Steph, Juliette, Finn, and Tristan until Wednesday then, it will just be Tristan. I am a little afraid of why Robert's parents wanted Tristan to come with me. I think sometimes things are in my head and the guilt of what I was doing when Robert had his accident. 

Finn said he could see things had changed between Tris and me, which I think scares me the most. I am more afraid of everyone finding out where I was that weekend because people will think I cheated on Robert and I didn't.  

Rory went to take a shower to get ready. I think this is too stressful for her, but his parents asked her to come so she won't let them down. 

An hour later, she comes out of her room with a pair of jeans and a t-shirt on. She gave us a half-hearted smile. I know she doesn't want to do this. I mean, we just buried Robert two days ago.

She sits down on the couch and is fiddling with her hands. Finn places his hands on top of hers. "Calm down, love."

"I am calm, well I'm trying to be calm. I just I don't want to do this. I'm not ready to deal with this right now."

"We all understand this is too soon for you, but they need to get everything finished because they have to switch over the heirship to Mark, and that will take a few months to get it in place. Just look at it this way this is the last thing you have to take care of then you can try to get used to life without Robert. In a few months, you might be ready to try and start with someone else or maybe longer."

"I know, but today they will give me the totals of everything that Robert left me, and I just feel weird. I feel like they think I stole it from him. I was prepared to start packing my stuff so they could sell the condo. I was going to move back to Stars Hollow with my mom."

"Love, you didn't steal anything. He told all of us and his family the reason he was doing it. Everyone knew he was leaving it to you except you."

"I know I didn't I just feel like I did. This would be different if we had gotten married, but we didn't, so it shocked me when Cynthia told me he left me the condo, his life insurance, and his trust fund. I just feel so guilty, like I got paid to be with him, and I don't like feeling like that. I was with him because I loved him, not because of what he had."

"Oh, love, no one thinks you were with him for his money. We all know you were with him because you loved him anyone who saw you together knew it. Now, go to his parents, let the attorney do his job, and then come back, and we will wallow with some ice cream because you are rich. You can cry about being rich, and we will all support you. I am going to run to the bank and make a withdrawal so you can wipe those pretty tears with hundred-dollar bills."

"You're an ass, Finny."

"Yes, I am, but you love this ass, and I see you checking out this ass all the time. I made you smile tho." He hugged her and kissed her on the cheek.

"Yes, I do, I love all of you. Alright, ready Tris, let's get this over with?"

He stood up and helped her up. She grabbed her purse and waved as they left. He helped her into his car and then got in, and they drove to Hartford. When they pulled up at Frank and Cynthia's, he helped her out. 

She remembered the first time she came here with Robert and how he waited for her to take it all in. The way she felt like she was at home instead of a massive mansion, like she felt when she went to her grandparent's house.

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