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Two hands shake my shoulder while I'm still in sweet slumber and if it was sweet enough it would have felt like a dream, however I'm awake enough to know that I'm being pulled out of my sleep in the 3d.

"What!" I mumble with my eyes closed, even though this could be an intruder and I'm completely oblivious to it.

"Wake up Malia, you have no idea what's going on!" Avana's deep voice jump an octave I didn't know was possible.

What the hell can be happening that's got Avana so excited. Reluctantly, out of curiosity I peel my eyes open staring up at a star faced Avana.

"What?" I remove my comforter from my small frame waiting for her to spill the beans, Avana and I didn't gossip much about the same things given that the only thing we have in common is the apartment we share. Sometimes I'll share my stories with her from the bar and she'll give me any insights on her studies. One time her medical professor got suspended for having an affair with one of the medical students and that story was one for the books. It was like unending chaos until it ended.

"Jane Pritchard is coming to NY." she squeals flexing a smile as huge as America. I didn't get her excitement. Who the hell is Jane Pritchard even? And why is she so excited?
Pritchard sounds familiar because it's the bar I work at but I'm pretty sure I would know if this Jane had any connection to the bar. I think. I've only been there for six months but six months is basically equivalent to a year which is long enough to know certain shit.

When Avana  realizes that her announcement doesn't create a reaction, her smile drops leaving her in a confused haze.

"Oh for Pete's sake you don't know who Jane Pritchard is? You work at his freaking bar, well not his but soon to be his."

"Look I work for Darren Pritchard not this Jane guy so I don't know-"

"Malia! Jane is Darren Pritchard's grandson and he is coming to NY! Malia he's so hot omg." Avana gushes over this man I've never heard about before. She pulls up a picture of Jane on instagram and my oh my. I can now understand her buzz. 

If I wasn't ever interested in this Jane guy before, now I am and yes it's definitely because of his looks.

He's frozen in place by a massive pool, with what I imagine to be, the Los Angeles landscape in the distance. Although he is the dominant view, the surrounding is gorgeous. The sculpted body is barely visible under the bright white shirt he is wearing, but you can tell it's still there. His honey brown complexion glows triumphantly beneath the sun, and his matching blue baseball cap adds to the effect. His radiant smile brightens the picture and the butterflies in my tummy embrace my opinion that he is extremely gorgeous.

"Wow no kidding Avana." I'm pretty sure I drooled over that picture. There's over eighty thousand likes on the photo and he has about six hundred thousand followers. Let's talk about a mini celebrity. It makes perfect sense as to why he would be so popular, not because of looks only but his grandad is the literal God of the party life in New York. There's multiple Pritchard franchises all around the city and I couldn't be more proud that it's built and owned by a black family.

Speaking of family I remember I have to give my parents a call. Update them on school and everything like that. Except I haven't been in school for the past six months. I moved from North Carolina to NYC, to merely escape the dime sized town I was living in and used school as an excuse for doing so. I didn't really love journalism but I always admired the women anchors on tv, it was so empowering to see them run the show and be in charge of something like the news, hence why I picked it up as a major. But six months later, here I am, a college dropout and a bartender. I wouldn't particularly say I'm a failure but in my parents eyes that's what I would definitely be. It doesn't matter that I'm nineteen and still young enough to dropout of school and still be successful, they don't see life the way I do. I want to take chances and not settle for what my parents want me to do because overall this is my life and I can do whatever I want with it quite frankly. 

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