Twenty Two

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It's one day before I have to head back to New York and my parents have not said anything since my confession. Had it not been for the flinty daggers thrown my way I'd thought they had forgotten about. It's just my luck that they have not. I slowly pack my bags, preparing for my return flight to the Big Apple, uncertain if my mom and dad would let me go back. This is hope I guess. I zip my suitcase, tucking everything in snugly before heading downstairs to take a walk in the cool fall evening. 

I mostly wanted this to clear my head and take in some fresh SC air before heading back to the heavily polluted city. I slip out silently on purpose so no-one would question where I'm going. I simply want to disappear just for a moment. The mint cold fall air splashes my face waking me out from any drowsiness I'd had for the day. Now my thinking juices are flowing. Nothing can get the image of Jane and I almost kissing out of my head. It's impossible to retract the moment and the memory and it's something I have to live with until I stop working at Pritchard or until Jane gets to go back to Cali and continue his life. 

I think about his family and how he was so bothered by Rich who seemed like the most gentle man alive. I never would've thought that someone as lucky as Jane would have separated parents. They've got money and looks and maybe I thought the perfect family but I guess not. That makes me so much more grateful for my parents and their long love. The kind of love they have is what made me. I don't think I would've been as wholesome or caring without their example. I sit on a nearby bench becoming overwhelmed with each thought that crossed my mind. Specifically the grand lie that I've told for months. A tear slips from my eye as I succumb to my guilt. I fully welcome the blatant truth that I'd been deceitful and stabbing the people who love me the most in the back. It would've been so much better if I had just told them when I changed my mind. They would've been upset but at least it would be honest and I wouldn't have to go through this disgusted feeling. 

I let out a sob involuntarily, wiping my face in the sleeve of my sweater right after. I pull my phone from my pocket and hover over that name that makes my heart skip a beat. Maybe even two. I've been staring at his contact for days, reluctantly manifesting that he remembers that he has my number and texts me. I decide to stop waiting around and just say hi and that's exactly what I do. 

I immediately regret my actions when I see that he has opened the text. That regret grows within a minute when his name displays across the top of my screen and the vibration of my phone ripples through my palm. I panic before I decide to slide right to answer. 

I wait for him to speak on the other line, heart threatening to jump out of my chest waiting for the silence to be cut with a knife. He lets out a weighty breath before speaking. 

"Are you still in South Carolina?" he asks sounding defeated for some reason. 

"Yes are you?" I return the question unsure of the direction of our conversation. 

"I am. I want to get out of this house. Rich and my mom are being lovey dovey. Can I come get you?" his offer halts my thinking. I truly never expected this from Jane, given that he's been nothing but hot and cold with me. Mostly cold. 

And doesn't' he have friends in SC to hang around with?

"Um sure yeah. I'm at the street right around the corner of my house" I look up at the street sign next to me "Roosevelt Blvd." I tell him. 

"Got it. I should be there in fifteen minutes. Maybe we can grab a snack or something?" The shuffling on the line gives way to the fact that he's getting up to leave. 

"Sure, it's whatever." He hangs up the line after that.

Though I'm not feeling the greatest with my current situation it's nothing that a little bit of Jane can't fix. Even better if we finish what we started on Thanksgiving night. The thought wraps around me like a blanket making me feel all fuzzy inside. I don't expect anything from this impromptu hangout, well anything good that is. I will be dumping the news that my return to New York is not set in stone and he may have to hire someone less hot and smart than me. 

Just as Jane had promised, he was rolling around the corner in a car that didn't look like his. It was a black Buick which obviously isn't the kind of car that Jane is into. He's more of a Corvette,Aston Martin, Audi freak. He screamed it all anyway. 

He winds down the window when approaching me, flashing an infatuating smile that made my whole body shiver. It isn't too cold so I know it's not Mother Nature chilling me up. I slip into the car which is a big contrast to my last moment with him in an automobile. This felt safe and less tantalizing than back in New York. His car back there screamed sin and he's the sinner. 

I take a moment to admire his light moustache that he never really let show, and I mentally note that when we get married I'll persuade him to grow it out more often. His body is clad in a grey Nike hoodie and he's wearing shorts to match. Even under his oversized clothing, his fit physique was forthrightly evident. Like always his face is gorgeous as he watches me with pointed eyes. Soon I realize that he wants me to buckle up and I do so. He keeps the windows ajar and I sift through conversation starters in my head. My shoulder length hair whips in the wind causing me to aggressively move it out of my face. Jane notices and takes down the window even more before chuckling. I roll my eyes, doubting that he can see a thing and take the initiative to close my window. 

"I like when you wear your hair down Malia." Jane compliments still smiling from the apparent joke of my hair strands blinding me. 

"Thanks. Where do you plan on going?" I say, grateful that he has started the conversation. 

"Do you like coffee? Are you one of those girls who drink that disgusting Pumpkin Cinnamon drink in Fall?" he sounded like he was two swallows away from puking which makes me smile. I'm glad to see that e=he feels some kind of emotion.

"It's Pumpkin Spice dumb dumb and yes I love it. Can we get some?" 

"Not when you just called me dumb dumb." 

"That's because you are." I retort with more angst than I intended to. I was drawing my emotions from his hesitancy to kiss me after that stupid truck interrupted. How dumb can you be to waste that moment? 

He pulls the car over when I say that. I lean forward in my seat when he comes to a hard stop. Immediately, I look over trying to figure out his motives. It's too late. He's staring at me with nothing but want in his eyes. At this point all of my walls are down and there's nothing stopping him or me. In this moment so many things are being said without words as I plead with my dark orbs that he shows me that he's just as obsessed with me as I am with him. If he is, he does so well at hiding it. 

"What would you do if I kissed you right now? I know you're upset that it didn't happen."he deadpans, turning his entire body towards me. 

I guess he's not just good looking and rich, he's also a mind reader folks. 

"There's only one way to find out. If you're curious enough-" 

I don't get to finish my sentence before his strong palm touches my neck gently resulting in his finger getting looped through my kinks. He presses his soft lips against mine, waiting for me to respond. With the shock from everything, it takes me approximately five seconds to start kissing him back. He doesn't let me take the lead, biting my bottom lip in his fight for dominion. I smile slightly at his ruthlessness. He keeps one hand in my hair and the other on my waist, rhythmically squeezing as the kiss deepens. His work makes my head spin throwing me into what feels like a bliss dimension. In an effort to get closer, I unbuckle my seatbelt, closing the gap between our chests and wrapping my hands around his neck. This is the moment I've wanted and needed. The affection fades into a soft peck not falling to let the butterflies in my stomach multiply. A smile spreads across my face as I take in the wonder of this moment. 

"Do you want to fly with me back to New York?"

Oh no. 

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