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Jane's words seemed to burn its way into my brain more than I would like it to. I swear I had a dream with just him repeating those words. Or would that be a nightmare?

I told Avana all about it and she literally screamed as high as Mariah Carey's whistle. She thinks he likes me. I know he doesn't. I'm halfway through the list that Jane left and can't wait until he gets back so Crystal can give me a break. She's been in my ear more than ever telling me all about her and Jane's chronicles. Contrary to popular belief, Jane has actually went out with Crystal once. I really thought he was above dating his employees but I guess I was wrong. The real question is why would he date Crystal when he can literally get anyone he wants with his looks and status?

I get ready to go into work. The cold has been brutal in New York and it's barely the end of fall. I guess what I miss about South Carolina is it doesn't get as cold as New York. Besides that, there's nothing that I miss about my old run down town. I got too tired of seeing everyone I know everywhere. I pair my black mini skirt with fleece lined tights for the wind chill that comes after midnight which is the time I usually leave the bar. I pull on my pair of usual black boots and leave my apartment.

I pick up my phone for the first time today and almost have a heart attack at the amount of times I see Jane's name across my screen. There's been five missed calls from him in the span of one hour. The number makes me instantly believe that there's been some kind of emergency. He didn't leave any voicemails so I have no choice but to call him with a pounding heart.

"Hello?" I say when the call's been answered.

"I've been calling you all morning." He says but he sounds a little distant as if he's doing something while talking.

"I know, that's why I'm calling. And I sleep all morning because of my work hours." I tell him pointedly. My bus arrives and I get on taking a seat at the back.

"What's that noise?" He asks sounding a bit annoyed.

"I'm on the bus. I'm going to work. I'm not trying to be late you know." I use a bit of sarcasm to hopefully lighten his sharp tone. He doesn't say anything about it but changes the conversation.

"I was calling to let you know there's more I need you to do."

What the heck?

"Okay, what are they? And this could've been a text, maybe an email?" I roll my eyes knowing that he's taking advantage of my help. I get no pay increase for doing this.

"But this is so much fun."

"What's so much fun? What are you even doing, leaving me to do your work?" The words come out of me before I can even filter them. It's definitely not fun having Crystal nagging in my head every two hours of the day or talking to him.

"That's none of your business. Also I may be away for a little longer."

"Are you trying to be funny?"

"What makes you think I'm joking, Malia?" His tone remains stern as if he's actually expecting me to answer.

"Just let me know what you need me to do." I say resigned.

"That's exactly what I love to hear." He sounds much closer to his phone now.

"Jane, what did you mean when you said I'm yours? I'll have you know I'm not your puppet to play with." I state hoping that this will change whatever he's had in mind.

"There's just some things that shouldn't be explained. I'll text you with the new details. I have to go. Also I'll be checking in to see how things are going. Just pick up your phone when I call." he orders.

"It's a pleasure to speak with you Jane." I say in faked high pitched voice so he can hear how much I hate talking to him.

"Likewise Malia." he drops the line after his statement and I release a reposed sigh.
My bus ride is about twenty minutes to the bar so I use this time to gather my thoughts. Managing the bar isn't a 'hard' thing to do per se, but it feels as if Jane is taking advantage. Granted that all these extra tasks are unpaid, I would like Jane to come back to do his job expeditiously.

As soon as I walk into the semi packed building my phone vibrates with a text. I look down to see that Jane has texted the new list of things. I decide to leave the message unread for when I settle into my shift. I do my regular run of bartending for about two hours before exiting the bar and going to the office. When I get there I open Jane's notification to see what are my new quests.


Here's the list- call me at anytime. Set up appointment with maintenance crew. Contact Miranda (stocking manager) for inventory calendar. She hasn't emailed it over yet but ask her to fax it over. Prep paper work that I faxed-I faxed it this morning so it should be the only thing available on the machine right now. 

Okay, what paper work? 

Jane is purposely trying to get me to call him. The vague details that come with no instructions are very telling. I don't even know how to use a fax machine. Didn't these things end in like 1971? 

I reply with an 'ok' and before clicking on the phone icon to ask Jane a few questions.

"Back so soon?" 

"It's not a pleasure. I think you'd save a lot of mine and your time if you just include everything you should in your text." I say hoping that if there is a next time, he'll know what he needs to do.

"When are you going to get it through your head that you're so fun when you're bothered?" His sinister tone doesn't faze me one bit as I roll my chocolate orbs. 

"Don't say that again. You're cringe." He chuckles at my honesty and I take this moment to actually do what I intended. "Okay so first of all what maintenance crew am I calling? How do I work the fax and what paper work am I prepping?" 

"There's a call log on the desk, you'll find Joe's Big Guys number in there. That's the maintenance crew, the fax is super simple. You're smart. The paper work you're doing is a business proposal. I trust that you're not going to take those prying eyes and read it over. I just really need you to put them together, and place them in the cabinet for when I get back. You'll need to put them in a file and label. That's it Malia. What else can I do for you?"

"So you're just not going to answer my fax question."

"As I said. You're smart." 

"That's not an answer Jane. But it's fine, I'll figure it out." I say before hanging up the line annoyed. 

It takes very little bs from Jane to absolutely drive me nuts. He probably doesn't even know how to use the fax machine and is trying to brush it off. I consult YouTube university for a fax machine tutorial and mastered it in no time. 

Hopefully this is the last week of Jane being gone, I need to be cleansed from him and his energy. 

Sweet RushOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora