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"Oh my God, why are you ruining my life?" I gasp at Avana as I see Sabin and Jane inside of the Gelatine shop Avana dragged me to. She had insisted earlier that she'll be going on a date again with Sabin and would like me to come. I was under the impression that I'll just third wheel but apparently not. "Jane's here, Avana!" I snap at her as she's too busy throwing heart eye daggers at Sabin.


"Avana!" I shriek. "You didn't tell me this was a double date with him." I glare over at Jane who doesn't seem to notice us outside as his eyes are glued to his phone screen.

"I thought Sabin was bringing someone else." she says as she opens up the door for me.

"Yeah right." I roll my eyes knowing that at this very second she doesn't give a flying fish about me and my comfort. Not that I would want to sabotage her date and make it all about myself but it would feel much better if she at least gave me something. A fake gasp anyone?

Maybe fake crying?

We make our way over to the guys. Me trailing far behind Avana. Sabin stands up and gives a small peck on her cheek and a slight hug. I take this moment to to look at Jane. His brown orbs glazes over me, erasing my existence as he heads back to his phone. I hate him.

How can someone be so dishonest, and immature?

Although I have these negative feelings towards him, I can't seem to get his image out of my head. Some would say pretty privilege, others would say a single, bored teen is why I can't unwrap Jane from around my mind. He's tied around my head like a bow. An ugly bow. Either way, I'd rather be swallowed whole by an alligator than being 10 feet away from him.

Instead of sitting with Avana and Sabin, I let her know that I'll be on the other side of the shop away from them and Jane. I'm pretty sure she doesn't need my company now. I'm also very certain that Jane isn't worried about me at all.

I order a Butterscotch flavoured gelatine with a brownie, scrolling endlessly on my phone to pass the time. My seat is directed towards the window, away from Jane forcing me to not pass glances his way. I don't want to look at him or even know what he's doing. Mainly because I don't want to feel stupid, but also because he is my boss who happens to be a real douche.

My phone buzzes with an instagram notification.

janepritchard sent you a message

My hand jolts with the sudden, far from reality notification. Why the hell would Jane do that?

I go back and forth with myself, contemplating if I should open the message or not. I turn around looking in Sabin's and Avana's direction but he is no longer seated with them. I take a minute to absorb the situation. I'm here with my friend on a dare-I-say 'double date' but by myself. The guy I despise has sent me a dm and my gelatine is currently melting.

What can go wrong? I release all my dignity and pride and click the icon with the notification to populate Jane's stupid message.


come outside



I look out of the large vintage style windows of the shop to see if there's any sight of Jane. I'm met with the urban scenery of New York.


just come, Malia


if you're messing with me, I'll kill you

I type the words and send it before I can even think. If he mysteriously ends up dead I guess that's it for me. Incriminating evidence right there. I steadily get up from my table and head out the door. Avana is too smitten over Sabin to notice so I don't bother telling her. As soon as I exit the shop I see Jane sitting on his car. His face is illuminated by the light coming from his phone and I take this time to take him in. He's decked out in a white T-shirt, not fit for October's New York breeze and khaki bottoms. His body is hunched over as he is staring at his screen but there's something so manly about his pose. Seeing him so unbothered causes a warm feeling to spread in me. I know it all too well and hope it doesn't consume me eventually.
I walk towards him, standing directly in front of his frame. He looks up without even changing his expression. For the way he was begging (not really but kinda) me to come outside, he sure looks as happy as a blob fish.

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