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It's a gloomy Thanksgiving in South Carolina but that makes it feel much more homey. Mom has been up since the crack of dawn making her feast of a dinner or more like making preparations. Luckily, she didn't drag me out of bed that early to help or I would have literally passed away. It's now a little past noon and mom has just put in her thoroughly seasoned and flavoured turkey in the oven.

When it's about four pm my mom rushes me to get ready for our guests. She's been gushing all day about them and how she hopes that I work out with the son. Too bad that I already have a crush on someone else. I've had time to actually think to myself about my life in New York and I've made a promise to myself that whatever move Jane pulls on me, I'm falling for it. I've passed the point of caring if he's just going to play me but I need to sate my desire for him. I can't just let myself suffer from my own world. I'm crushing myself more than I think, when I keep all of my feelings bottled in like this. I'm already stifling my truth, I might as well pick my battles.

I pull on a mustard coloured sweater dress that I've owned for years. It fits like a glove and I've been told by my mom that I look great in this colour. I bunch my thick kinky hair into a puff and let some strands frame my face. I glide my velvety red lipstick across my lips and dab some on my cheeks for some dimension.

When I'm about finished, our doorbell rings and I mentally prepare myself for our guests. Nicole seems like a talker, hopefully her family isn't the same as her because I'd be drained by the end of the night. I hear my dad's voice echoing my name and I give myself one look over before leaving my room. I slowly descend the stairs leading to the foyer, drawing nearer to the sonorous chattering. I'm close enough where I can see everyone huddled together with someone towering over and sticking out like a sore thumb. Had it not been for my mother moving aside to introduce me, I would've never thought it was Jane. His dark eyes meet mine with not a question or surprise while I'm nothing but confused, perplexed and stunned. With the consensus that I've bring myself to just over the past day, I'm ready to risk it all. He stands confident and elemental in his black sweater and navy blue bottoms, not even phased that he's looking at his employee. I must admit that I've missed his presence and forgotten how handsome he is. Often times the image of Jane in my head is not the same in person, he's a lot better standing in front of me. Since that night at the Halloween party, I never imagined that I would crave his touch. Unfortunately, I do and it's a bit too close for comfort with him in my home.

I can't apprehend how our families even crossed paths and how I'm going to play this off. If I act like I know him, my parents are going to have questions. If I act like I don't, he's going to have questions and everything's just going to blow up in my face no matter what. The ground can just swallow me up now because I think it's my time.

Instead of staying frozen in my spot, I greet all three individuals in front of me. Jane last of course. I give him a daunting look, hoping he can read my eyes and act like we've never met before. As usual, he remains stoic and unable to penetrate. He towers over his dad, Rich who is a slender, white man with piercing grey eyes and medium-flat hair. I didn't think that Jane was biracial and can see that he got most of his looks from his mom, Nicole. I was under the impression that all of the Pritchards were black but I guess not. My mom welcomes all of us into the dining room to begin eating. A variety of colourful, rich and creamy food ranging from dessert to a main course sits on the table.

"This is a thanksgiving meal, Celia. Thank you so much." Rich bellows, staring down at everything in awe.

I glimpse over at Jane analyzing his faded demeanour. He smiles at my mom as she orchestrates the way in which we're sitting, conveniently placing him right beside me. I get giddy at his proximity knowing that he has no choice but to stay seated here. His intoxicating woody and fresh fragrance surrounds me and I give him a small smile when his eyes meet mine again. He partially returns it by lifting one side of his of his mouth.

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